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  • Occupation
    Web developer


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Snes, n64, gameboy colour, gamecube, ds
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda: OOT
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MPH: 137507584053
    MK: 103139476261
    THAS: 493981505100 AC: 489690761956

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. £400?!?!?!!? you gotta be joking?!!
  2. Finding Nemo.......Classic 8/10 watched it too many times, the girlfriends fault! grr! argh!
  3. tool rule!! omg!! does nobody like them? Guns N Roses....hmm, just axl lol! they are gonna get booed off, i can guarantee, most the crowd will chant for velvet revolver! i couldnt care less bout GnR!
  4. lol it has been going for aaaaaaages! Toadie rules!
  5. there should be a hollyoaks thread.... far more entertaining than neighbours!!!
  6. you know what i mean...
  7. but isnt there a language barrier? is bound to be text heavy cus its final fantasy, and will all be in japanese...
  8. What is most highly anticipated?...and dont say all of them! Personally i just want a damn screenshot!! :shock: Edit Sod the screenshot i NEED TP!! *goes back to playing Ocarina of time" : peace:
  9. I just got a wonderswan off ebay for a reasonable £20, can anybody recommend me any games to buy? I got it purely for that retro feel but i havent a clue what to get...
  10. i lay mine in a puddle guinness, laid the pancake ontop, rolled it up and consuuuumed it!
  11. Source: ExtremeTech looks cool!
  12. Tool, 36CF, Stonesour, Soulfly all confirmed to play download!!! Tool has sold it for me! party on!! Hope the DS tent is there again!
  13. i cant see them doing two versions of the game, id be well pissed off if they did! They havent done that sort of thing before have they?Im still for the "hooks" they might put in so the game could be used on the revo with the FHC. More speculation....
  14. Desktop desktop image
  15. F.E.A.R. Dawn of War AOE 3 CS:S The Movies
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