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Everything posted by Yvonne

  1. Also @DuD can you elaborate on your Diageo theory without endangering anybody?
  2. IMO Jonnas that's a roleblock. That reminds me of the bricklayer from one of the other games.
  3. @Jonnas how do you know you were jailkept?
  4. I have reason to believe I was the kill target last night
  5. I guess you aren't claiming protector then!
  6. Anybody remember that voyager where they turn into lizards? Ace
  7. hmm doubtful. There aren't really any explicitly evil race, maybe you could argue the borg, but even that had some grey area. That said if we find a borg, we should lynch it immediately. I hope there isn't a cult mechanic in this game.
  8. Nothing useful to share at this point. @Diageo how many people targeted you? Sounds like at least two?
  9. Easiest one to tally is murder, and we're pretty good on that all things considered
  10. No worries @Rummy, haven't got mechanics yet, just thought of it. Watch the episode Mystery Train in S2 to see why I want to do an adventure time mafia
  11. I'll join! It's like if you fill a balloon with too much air!
  12. Has anyone done an adventure time themed game yet?
  13. hahaha oh boy, that is a harsh run.
  14. I thought this game was super awesome! The design held all the teams in different flavours of tension through each day, but always high, until the very end. I think if there were just one more mechanic that would do something about deadlocks, then it would have been perfect. Best game I've played for ages. So far the games this year have been excellent!
  15. The remaining water has no allies, so would do well to leverage the chaos from ice & fire's killing. Mafia hold the double votes, that makes for opportunistic and volatile voting. Mafia hold the kill power, so as long as they're around, and water is very lucky, water probably would do better killing town, now that we know no one is interested in a deal. So thanks for that
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction The threat has to be real for it to mean anything. Rummy and Magnus have bet on Water doing exactly what you say (nothing) in order to reap the benefits of ruining our chances which are currently near 0, instead of the mutually beneficial alliance offer. If Water doesn't retaliate that makes the team suckers for no reason. Water currently has basically nothing to lose, so its threats may as well have weight behind them. Fire & Ice will be busy laying into each other no doubt. Also you all passed up a wicked opportunity for some cool in-thread alliances. That would have been awesome! For shame.
  17. bus != bluff historical bussing is irrelevant. I expect all player to try to make the best of their current situation.
  18. He's saying it serves my teammate better to make my threat into a bluff and play for a win by killing ice or fire. I agree that attacking ice/fire would be preferable over all, but I made this offer to town for a reason - there was no good reason not to accept the deal. I strongly incentivised behaving in a way that would benefit both town and water. This could be a strong argument for doubting Rummy's alignment, maybe Magnus too. I hate to say it, but it's either good mafia play or sloppy town play from them both.
  19. My only mistake this game was assuming people would act according to logic. I trust my anonymous partner to read and understand my argument, and make the best decision with their own judgement. If our positions were reversed, I would see the value in this move. Mutually assured destruction is a route no one is MEANT to want to go down, but it has to exist to ensure stupid decisions are punished at the very least. If you think this is bananas, you have Rummy and Magnus Peterson to blame, not me.
  20. how would I bus someone at this point? I have no idea who my partner is, and how would it serve me to find them and kill them?
  21. take it up with me in the *postgame discussion bussing is a legitimate tactic, and I'm not even bussing here.
  22. If you're not playing mafia for the endgame, you're going to lose sooner or later. By just thinking about the best move today, you can easily throw the game. Who wants to bet town will win this game? Takers, anyone? Water offered town a chance to better our chances, and threatened a poor alternative outcome. Without their allegiance we will surely lose anyway. This scenario is so poor for both of us that town should have immediately seen the sense in it. Similarly, they should be punished to make the threat valid, otherwise it IS a bluff. If someone has a grudge about being bussed by me in the past, they can take it up with me in the endgame. I play for fun and I play to win (in that order) and there should be no hard feelings.
  23. Because everyone is in a weak position, and being afraid, all they can agree on is to attack the (perceived) weakest team, all the while justifying it by saying I am too dangerous to live. Flattering as that may be, it is kind of annoying. Magnus or Rummy, one of them brothers. I just have to trust my teammate. I was trusting them not to betray town if they made a deal with me, similarly I'm trusting them to make the right call here. What would you do in my position Diageo? Do any of you understand the concept of MAD?
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