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Everything posted by Yvonne

  1. Because I don't suspect you
  2. This post contains lies, as confirmed by Jimbob. You can actually see him dropping clues to this being a lie, presumably for a later reveal. That's right, I can detect lies. So type carefully (and protect me). Now if everyone could kindly state their alignments...
  3. Yo just woke up. I got a lot of messages says n-europe, so I'll be goin through the thread
  4. Either way this strengthens Esequiel's position as town IMO. I would suggest we have a careful read of things Sheikah said, maybe there's some reason he lied. Funny quote considering!
  5. What I want to know is why Sheikah lied about the swap the other day. I am almost certain the mafia intended to kill Esequiel but were swapped, and Sheikah just flipped with the swap power. ReZ what did you do last night? If you aren't targetable we have no way of knowing apart from by asking...
  6. I'm going to be stupid busy from now until...pretty much sunday actually, so sorry in advance. I don't think DuD was the original target for the kill; I think Ese was. I suspect this because I know they were swapped.
  7. I'm interested in who targeted Esequiel...
  8. I haven't said I'm a lie detector...
  9. Hmm ok well I was going to vote DuD but I'm at a loose end now that he's complied. My theory may yet bear fruit, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow to know for sure. For now I'll Adam and Eve it! Diageo any news from your night actions?
  10. I have a theory...DuD could you state in one post simply the words "I am not the creator of the animus".
  11. Sheikah - ??? DuD - targeted Sheikah, wasted night Dedede - targeted Sheikah, directed to DuD Magnus Peterson - successful, got nothing Yvonne - targeted Sheikah, directed away to someone (find the apple) Rez - targeted Sheikah, directed away to someone Peeps - targeted Sheikah, directed away to [character] (target animus creator instead) Diageo - ??? EEVILMURRAY - ??? Mr-Paul - targeted DuD, got nothing Esequiel - targeted Sheikah, couldn't reach him (find the animus and the power inside) you know, the list of potential killers is not that long...
  12. no I just wanted to say it because it's a funny saying
  13. when you assume you make an ass out of u and me! DuD your post strikes me as very defensive. Is it that your character is an enemy in the game? My guy looks like a nasty motherfucker, so I don't think alignment is going to match up in this game.
  14. so what's the count on the number of people who targeted Sheikah? And what was the character name you ended at Peeps?
  15. Yeah I think that would be pretty OP, but having an unkillable townie is also OP. Except he isn't unkillable... what a mysterious game!
  16. oh yeah! hrmm.... Simplest answer could be mafia have one killer who is unstoppable, bit it's a power that goes away when that character is caught. Would that be consistent with anyone in AC?
  17. Could be that Cube was roleblocked as well as killed and mafia got lucky? Will be interested to see how these actions break down, might have a bearing on other power interactions. Kill reflect every night is really OP, so I wonder if that was accounted for
  18. vote: ezio's sperm adventures screw that vote being piece
  20. my next mafia will be prison themed
  21. M M M MONSTER KILL kill kill
  22. A couple of really nice concepts in the build there. You need to leave room for mafia to lie though. If everyone's actions can be accounted for right away, there is very little room to move. Couple that with strongly themed flavour that only a couple of players (and townies!) know, you have a recipe for a landslide. That said, thanks for the effort and time put into running this game! I'm sure your next one will be better for it.
  23. vote: Assassin's creed
  24. combination of hideous luck and really far too much information
  25. all moves are classed as "attacks", but vote ReZ
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