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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. The merge is set guys. I'll still be updating this thread but I think users of this forum are now a minority in our Xpert League lol. While we're still here though I'll be updating both here and on Xpert. The season will be starting on the 9th or the 6th at the earliest. I'll press the GO button no later than Sunday, just waiting to hear from the merged managers to make sure we're all set. The VIP games will still be going ahead, we'll still have the alliance, spotlight and prediction competitions. I'll go through and find out who's in the lottery for a VIP prize for the season we just had. I'll probably make a post on Sunday for that
  2. Just waiting on Xpert to merge the leagues and we'll be set to start in 2 weeks (to give teams time to acclimatise)
  3. The Wolf Among Us Smash Bros Wii U South Park: The Stick of Truth The Walking Dead Season 2 The Crew Shovel knight Mariokart 8 The Stanley Parable Speedrunners Nidhogg Loosely in order
  4. 1). A Link Between Worlds. I know this came out in November last year but my game time obviously carried on to the start of this year. It was a fantastic game and really felt like classic Zelda to me despite it having a new item mechanic to it. It would have been nice to have a new overworld rather than one based on A Link To The Past but ultimately it didn't detract from the gameplay. If handheld Zelda titles can continue to progress in this way it would be a good thing. 2). Mariokart 8. Although I've bought every game in the Mario Kart series without fail, I had been doubting whether or not to get MK8. Since double dash I've felt that the home console versions have been in serious decline but the online options and the N-E league tempted me back again. The game itself is actually great. I've never been a fan of bikes and custom karts but typically it doesn't matter what you're driving as you can beat the AI in anything. Online is a slightly different matter but for the most part I could use a vehicle that still had a classic kart look to it. The league nights (although I only took part in a few) were great and kept me interested in the game but I soon got too busy to take part so I stopped playing altogether. It's still one of the best games I've played this year and it'll always be there if I have company round or have time for league nights again. 3) Smash Bros Wii U/3DS. I wasn't going to get the 3DS version initially but I caved and bought it anyway. In retrospect I feel like it was a good demo for the Wii U version. Smash is great but I don't think it's greatly suited to the small screen and small controller of a handheld device. I had some good games with it but I've not touched it once since the Wii U version came out. The Wii U version is such an improvement on Brawl - the only game in the series I've not enjoyed. Melee is still, in my opinion, the epitome of Smash but I'm still very happy with Smash Bros U. The online is brilliant and it's pretty much all I do when I play now. For next year I would love it if Nintendo can continue to embrace online. Without online I don't think I'd still be playing Smash Bros and I don't think I would've bought MK8 at all. It's so important to have online functionality with games now and I'm glad Nintendo are finally including it. It just needs to feel more like part of the vision of the game rather than something tacked on at the end. It needs to be integrated into the console OS better I think but that's something for their next console (hopefully). The gamepad is basically dead to me now as well. It would be nice to see more games with it but at this point I really feel like they should just be cutting it out altogether.
  5. I'm also unable to see the main site but I don't know what that other stuff means :p
  6. I'm usually on past 11pm, post a message in the thread and I'll join you
  7. Yeah I can't seem to get on as well with any other character but I feel a bit bad sticking as Little Mac when everyone is switching so I did shake it up a little bit :p
  8. I was a bit lucky with those KO's the best one was landing it on two of you playing as Fox at the same time! I don't think I did save that Luigi's Mansion one unfortunately
  9. I think I peaked way too early lol, great games guys
  10. I'm faring a bit better now that I have a stable connection!
  11. Majora's Mask had a three day cycle. Time literally looped. This new Zelda does have sci-fi elements to it from the looks of the trailer, I'd forgotten about that. I still wouldn't say it's indicative of what the series will offer from now on, it's just that sci-fi is in right now. Of course, Nintendo could cash in on this with a new F-Zero, Metroid or brand new IP but oh well :p
  12. The problem is that with each new game in the Zelda series, you're bringing forward your experience from all previous titles. You start every game with nothing but because you know how Zelda works, you know what you have to do. Majora's Mask is great because it starts you off as the confident young hero of OoT and rips it all away from you in the scariest way possible. Right from the start your perceived conventions of the Zelda series are thrown out the window. Every Zelda since then has pretty much followed the standard formula. Twilight Princess turned you into a wolf but it wasn't as shocking as becoming a Deku Scrub in MM.
  13. And what I'm getting at is A Link Between Worlds is exactly that which means Zelda has not been permanently changed by the inclusion of 'mordern' objects in certain games. The sailcloth seen in the demo is about as low tech as you can get.
  14. You've taken mechanics from one game and applied it to a whole series. I could just as easily say Zelda is all about transformation masks and looping time mechanics. The latest game in the Zelda series had none of the things we've both mentioned. I was merely disagreeing with you in a light hearted way but you felt the need to get defensive and call my posts flimsy and paper thin. I am deeply sorry for offending you, I had no idea you were so fragile.
  15. Can we get a sense of humour over here please? We need a sense of humour pronto! PS. You need to have a point before I can miss it.
  16. Yeah that segment in A Link Between Worlds where you had to kill the robots with that time shifting train really ruined the game for me I keep meaning to replay Twilight Princess to see if it really is as bad as we all remember it... here's my list then: 1. Majora's Mask 2. Ocarina of Time 3. Wind Waker 4. Twilight Princess 5. Skyward Sword On the whole, TP got more right than SS did. Midna > Fi.
  17. It's good to see you coming up again, I'm sure you were in the elite league when I started out!
  18. No I'm bringing in 20 inactive teams... :p yes they have 10 active teams coming over - IF they decide to merge with us (there are a lot of leagues that want mergers)
  19. Our league positions will be as they normally would and the new teams would all start out in the lowest division. If there's a huge difference in strength I will boost the teams that need it (lower division only) if they want. Teams in for the cup: Lylat Wanderers Recall United Atlético Aqui1a AFC Dedede The Sixty-Fourthers Lords of Hydra Coloccini FC
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