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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Vote: Dazz Just in case people overlooked it, Esequiel said he roleblocked Dazz last night too. I don't see a riddle anywhere...
  2. Already explained. I targeted jonnas another night, just confused because of the switch to phases
  3. Yes, I really don't know why they don't have the hexagonal edges. It makes it so much easier to run straight and it's something that only Nintendo have had (at least I can't think of any other official controllers that have used it). @ ReZ, yes.
  4. How does a lance offer a double vote?
  5. No, now you are the one replying out of context and totally lying. I said you were pointing the finger at people who had willingly come out with information when you had given nothing yourself. I did not say you've been accusing anyone who gave us information. Show me where I used a solid accusation against you. All I asked was whether you had given us any information. Ell said that you didn't target anyone that night. Why would I just assume you can't target anyone for any night? Please just explain to me why we went from me saying: To you saying: A simple question gets a very retaliatory response. You essentially said that just because I'm asking you for information, it means I'm trying to pass suspicion. What I'm actually doing - which anyone can see - is trying to get any information I can that can help the town. It wasn't a direct question, it was completely open allowing you to offer as much or as little as you liked. Instead I got an accusation. Thanks. Also for lols: Notice how I actually flat out said I think he's likely to be evil? Do I get a mega defensive post that accuses me? No. I get a helpful list of his targets and ability. That's how I'd expect an innocent player to react (even more helpful than I'd expect). Yes, I'm now suspicious of you Rummy. The level of defensiveness in your posts implies to me that you've something to hide. I could well be wrong, I don't know, which is why I'm not putting a vote on you. I'd like to move on to other things now tbh.
  6. Remove vote thank you Dazz. What makes you think it was Nintendohnut?
  7. You've at least specifically said you have no power and no role which can easily be confirmed if someone has no better target. You might not think it but it's good enough for me. We know you don't have a power so if anyone does end up being targeted by you, we'll know you're a faking liar and lynch you without hesitation ;P oh you have no night power that is, maybe you have a day power. Either way, you've contributed something about yourself already.
  8. I thought it was great, my friend hated it. I don't see what there is to not like - unless it's a case of the comics are better (same argument for harry potter or lord of the rings I guess) and the film doesn't live up to them.
  9. I've been thinking of a Zelda mafia actually but I went with medieval mafia :p
  10. Yeah it says I must post at least 6 times with 104 words. Mission accomplished
  11. Thanks :p I don't think he's a threat as we know what he does and it's obvious when he doesn't do it. Of course, another mafia member could pretend to be affected... didn't think of that before. But it's risky because of trackers and stuff, it'd be safer for the mafia not to use Nintendohnut which puts them one member down - if he even is mafia. For the record, I believe Nintendohnut to be good or neutral at the moment. oh lol this is my 6th post I'M FREE! Yeah I'm not sure we should pursue Nintendohnut for now. He's given us all he can (if he's telling the complete truth) really, so unless you want him lynched there's no reason to vote him imo.
  12. Well maybe I'm just confused with the days since we changed from no day / night phases. I can't remember if I targeted you before the switch - I think I did though. As of now I think my power roleblocks the night I target you and then works for the next night. As I said above, I think Nintendohnut may have targeted me because I was unsure of him - this way I experience his power first hand. It's probably what I'd do. 6 posts at 104 words is nothing too. I think if he targets the low posters from now on but at a lower rate than my sentence to start with (maybe 2 posts at 100 words each?), that'd be good. More to come (splitting longer post)....
  13. Penn & Teller are awesome! I love everything they've done (that I've seen). @Retro Link - I had that same magic set! I don't think I ever used it properly though lol.
  14. I would really like to hear anything from Dazz (and other inactives) at this point. He has not been replaced so I guess he has been sending targets - or someone has been sending targets on his behalf. vote: Dazz - yes it is pushy but I have no intention of getting him lynched without hearing from him first. Unless we have other leads to follow I think we need to either force the inactives to speak up or to just get rid of them. It will force any mafia members hiding amongst the inactives to post more which will hopefully lead to some slip ups. Dazz, at the moment I'm just asking for you to post but obviously anything you can contribute would go a long way to getting me off your back.
  15. Ah, I can explain your power not working I think Cube. I'm fairly sure that it's down to me that it didn't work, interesting that you weren't informed though. I targeted you which would've roleblocked you. Jonnas, could you let me know if you got a PM or anything or any indication of my help - and when you received it? I think it should've helped last night. I'm hoping to get these 6 posts done tonight so I don't have to worry (I'm at work for most of the day tomorrow) but I don't have too much I can say without it being random gibberish.
  16. Nintendohnut, I gather you targeted me with this power as proof rather than due to a suspicion of me? That's what I'd hope at least. It's a very unique power but I have to give you the benefit of the doubt I suppose, it doesn't seem like you can misuse it willingly without us knowing and we'd know if you don't use it. I would like to ask you to use this power every night so that you can be cleared of being the killer for any night. I think this would make you useless to the mafia, if you are in the mafia, and would render you trustworthy.
  17. Well I have the challenge of posting 6 times with 104 words each. That is a lot in my opinion but I am sure I can manage it. I just hope no one has the power to end the day early (yet another way this power could be misused).. however I would be put in jail and not killed so I'm not quite sure what the real effect would be. I would imagine it roleblocks me but for how long? The whole game? Would I get the opportunity to get myself out of prison? I am interested in what the jail sentence does but obviously I don't want to experience it first hand... (grateful to automergers)
  18. I don't have a problem with people being suspicious of me, I've been pushy in this game which can be misconstrued (sp). I have a problem with people not posting and not offering any info whatsoever. The town will not win if we don't talk.
  19. Can you see how the above is a lot different from: That response is arrogant and rude and there's the implication that just because I asked if you had any information, it means I'm accusing you and passing suspicion (which only you have at the moment I think) from myself. I'm not even accusing you, your whole response is your mega defense. You've just said I've turned it into a heavy handed attack against you. I am not attacking you. All I asked was if you had anything to give us because you were online at the time and actively posting. Basically I asked you if you had any info and I get this in reply: in which you explicitly suggest I'm trying to pass suspicion off myself. Just by asking if you had ANY info? That is what I view as mega defensive. I ask a simple question and you imply that I'm passing off suspicion. I was quite obviously exaggerating, don't take everything so seriously. Me - which is fine but you say you definitely trust Ell, why? Ellmeister is a roleblocker, though he forgot to send in a target. That's not fishy at all? Anyway, it's not true that you have nothing to give us. You presumably have a power and a role. You presumably have targets. I'm not saying you have to give them, you're totally within your right to say you have nothing relevant. I guess I just didn't like the arsey way you responded to me.
  20. Oh ok, I'll just sit here and wait for the mafia to kill us all. Don't worry guys, Rummy says you don't need to come out with anything. Vote: No lynch I'm not trying to put any suspicion on you Rummy, I'm just asking if you have anything you can contribute with. Why do you try to be as unhelpful as possible? You might know something you think is completely irrelevant that could end up leading us to something. Why do you treat every question as an accusation? If you have nothing relevant then fine, just say so. Don't twist it to make it look like I'm accusing you of anything when I'm not. THAT is something the mafia would do. How do you think the town is meant to win? Just wait for the mafia to be investigated or tracked? What happens when the mafia kill our investigators and trackers? We just sit in silence and wait to be night-killed? I really, really disagree with the way you're trying to play the game. I want people to share the information they have so I must be suspicious? Get some sense. You're happy to point the finger at people who have willingly come out with information yet as soon as someone asks what you've done, you get mega defensive.
  21. lol really? Ellmeister is a roleblocker and a policeman and he was hiding his job for no reason. I'm an investigator and a constable. Personally I suspect Ellmeister because I think he made up that he's a policeman and just got lucky that the wording is different so people are more likely to trust they're different roles. It's just a suspicion though and nothing more. I can't really follow up on it myself so I'm just hoping other people will track Ellmeister or something to help prove things either way. What have you given us, Rummy? Ellmeister, who did you roleblock last night? Sorry if you've said already and I missed it.
  22. Latest and best episode of a pretty good series. This one is worth a look too
  23. You're too big to do some of the things you did as a child. You can always go back and do things you missed though.
  24. lol that's awesome
  25. Awesome plans for a medieval mafia. I would like to run it in place of my 'book with no name' mafia and move that one to the bottom of the list please! It's going to be a good one I think quite different.
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