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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Lush Makes me cringe internally.
  2. To go along with what Jay said, it's possible the armour is someone's power to protect that person from redirection or whatever. If the armour is placed on someone to control them into killing, it would be useful for it to also protect that person. Can any comic buffs think of anything similar in X-Men?
  3. Clichés are so Passé.
  4. I've just seen this on Steam as well and it looked interesting. I will be up for buying it when it's out!
  5. I agree with what Rummy said; if you're a reverse tracker and no one makes it to your target, there's no logical way you could know who targeted them. Were you told if these people were successful or not, or did the PM allude to this in any way?
  6. Do we think this is someone's power or is Paj trying to give one of us a hint?
  7. In my experience, it's better to send things back directly than deal with 3rd parties. I used a service through ebay when my old 360 red ringed, they all sound like they have great deals and offers - 1/2/3 month warranty etc but more often than not they will break again a couple of days past the warranty. Mine did. At least if you send it back to Microsoft you know 100% that it will be fine, you'll likely get a new console altogether.
  8. Congrats on your win! Someone had to do it! Yeah it's ridiculously hard to win away games if you're playing an evenly-matched team. I'm in the middle of a tough string of games. Co-op, Aqui1a twice, Co-op then Bubbles. My players need a rest!
  9. It really doesn't flow right. Super Mario Land 3D is fine but Super Mario 3D Land? It just feels wrong. Wario Land is amazing. The first 3 games are brilliant, then it got shit.
  10. Oh wow little activity. I've been out all day (work & out) so I expected to be at least a page behind. Do we really not have anything to discuss? I will openly admit that I have no night power and thus no targets so far.
  11. except you
  12. What kind of song was it? Hip Hop? Rap? Rock? Pop? Scoot? Fizz? Plorp?
  13. I'm definitely being redirected by the white coated character in the write-up if that helps you Nintendohnut.
  14. Name is N-E, just gone up
  15. Making a late night fun room : peace:
  16. Oh yeah it's on the front page too. If I actually end up using G+ more I would make use of that then.
  17. Next time, record it with your phone so we can figure it out ;P Googled lyrics came up with this: Probably not it :p
  18. Eddie, you're saying Dannyboy definitely is the white coated character? Danny, do you select a target to redirect or do you pick two people and anyone targeting them gets riderected?
  19. Cool new feature but I'm not sure I'll be using it. I'm not really using G+ due to no one relevant to myself being on it :p
  20. Intense pro's only game going on right now.
  21. The last known recording of Prov Donk lol to be spermtinued....
  22. So Dannyboy you are a redirector? Are you the white coated character? If not then we have 2.
  23. Heroicjanitor did, click the little blue arrow to go to his post. Quotes don't quote in quotes :p
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