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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. This is the only one I know about: http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/
  2. Are you sure you targeted Nintendohnut @EddieColeslaw? Are you the blue and orange pokémon in the write-up? The 'mass' sounds a lot like me and I actually am immune to nightpowers (due to being a collection of one pokémon I guess) so either you were redirected or Nintendohnut has a very similar power to mine - in which case I'll be voting for him. I'll wait to hear more :p
  3. I probably will bloody lose lol
  4. Gave him an invite link, he should be signing/signed up now.
  5. Herojan is the green, green, red pokemon. It seems I forgot to send in a target last night too. I don't remember ever missing a night before
  6. Vote: Jonnas then. I guess we'll learn something from it even if he's town. I'm not sure on him but I am leaning more towards Jonnas being mafia than town. 2 or 3 mafia players left... it'll be a while before they can get majority.
  7. Remove vote just because I'm not sure. I'm being flakey tonight apparently.
  8. The riot police were prevented from leaving the precinct as they were terrified by a rabid dog.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. Of those, I find heroicjanitor most suspicious. I'm willing to put a vote down on Jonnas to get something done today. Vote: Jonnas
  11. Happy birthday Eenuh!
  12. Not had a chance to speak to my friend about joining yet but I will tomorrow
  13. No change of heart, he's still pretty dodge. I was just thinking about the likelihood of both him and EEVIL being mafia... would be a bit silly for 2 members of the mafia to come after me like that although as I said before, it could have just been a risky play from them. I'm intrigued as to what your hint was though Jonnas as I've obviously completely missed it.
  14. I wouldn't say my roleblock is fierce... I smother my targets... with love.
  15. I'm reluctant to give out my info while there is still a protector. I know it's selfish but if I'm getting protection eac& night, I can win this game for the town. At the moment, the mafia can't instigate any votes with any confidence. If anyone starts voting for townie I knew about, I will stop it. A list wouldn't do the town good, we wouldn't suddenly have any leads. The mafia can only pick people off at random at the moment and that is good for the town. I will be stubborn on this. I have 2 people in mind for investigation but I'm open to suggestions.
  16. http://onemorelevel.com/game/scale_of_the_universe_2012
  17. Fucking rain ruining all my snow Going to be super icy tomorrow now
  18. Been snowing for hours here. I'm at work and I'll probably/hopefully be sent home at 7 so I can actually get home. Severe weather warning for 9pm
  19. Or something. I can reveal if you like but I'd prefer not to. You're on the right line of thought anyway. I am a ruby/sapphire pokemon though
  20. Because I'm totes mafia. I checked out someone else on an itch... I have a horrible feeling that jonnas would be a wasted investigation. Jimbob was another suspicion of mine but I don't think he's mafia.
  21. Pfft he's no friend of mine <3 you @Zell I'm talking about a mutual acquaintance of mine and aqui1a's. I'll talk to him tonight
  22. I quite possibly have a friend joining
  23. You were backing me up too much mr-paul Interesting that mr-paul shows up as vanilla because I thought he targeted me on night one which is the only reason why I trusted him lol. I guess it was just a good bluff. People I'm suspicious of: Jonnas and heroicjanitor. I've not investigated either of these people.
  24. Ah I'm not the blue and grey. I roleblocked herojan and that's definitely me chasing him fits me more
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