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About Harper

  • Birthday 09/28/1986

Personal Information

  • Location
    Wales, UK


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    N64, Gamecube, DS, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    PSX, PS2, PSP
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  • Wii Console Number
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MKWii: 0173-1833-3933
    SSBB: 3652-1974-1068

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Darth Vader and his friends just informed me I wouldnt be seeing his boobs. This is the best website ever...
  2. Does anyone know how long these cars are in comparison to last years? It might just be me but the new Mclaren looks a fair bit longer than the others.
  3. It might just be me, but im seeing this more as Mercedes not wanting Button than Jenson running off to Mclaren over his old team. Sounds like whilst Brawn sorted out their takeover they were offering him a contract they knew he wouldnt take too delay things. Ill agree im not sure its gonna be the right move for him to make admittedly, but I dont think its a simple case of him wanting more cash and not thinking Brawn/Mercedes will be up to the task.

  5. I finish on friday! Im meant to have been looking for a job but trying to keep up with the group project Ive gotta do means I havent really had the time to, and most of the engineering jobs are gone now, so im looking at doing nothing for 12 months until next years intake of graduates, unless I get lucky in the meantime
  6. Looks like Mclaren escaped severe punishment, so long as they play nice for 12 months. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/8024661.stm
  7. I dont think this is gonna be a whitewash season by a long way. Far from it, im expecting alot of close competition from the lower end teams giving the higher ups a bit of a challenge. But as everyones saying, its too early to say until qualifying at least. Fingers crossed for one hell of a season!
  8. <anti-lurk> Ive been lurking about since the c-e days Its a bad habit, but n-europe is where I get all my news from, gaming and otherwise! And then im just too lazy to post. Though im signed in most of the time i think
  9. Thats the first thing that came to my head when I saw it Though im prepared to believe in the Nihilanth idea
  10. Best. Advert. Ever
  11. I used to play the recorder a loooong time ago (classic school instrument really) and I bet a few others did too :wink:. These days I settle for attempting to play guitar, and a bit of bass, though im not too good. Wish id started earlier too. Would have loved to have played drums, but I dont have room for a kit. Maybe one day : peace:
  12. In a word, yes. One of few series of games that never fail to scare the living daylights out of me. Im dying to play this!
  13. Well done to Moogle for one hell of a first day Im just about holding even despite being confused as hell. Anyone know what time GMT the exchange actually opens?
  14. Thought id jump on the band wagon! Although I have no idea what im doing, should be an interesting one
  15. My project presentation starts in 2 hours and 20 minutes. 10 minutes of me talking crap, then 20 mins of questions, and thats the bit im dreading Time to go brush up!
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