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  • Location
    South-east England
  • Occupation
    Professional Layabout


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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    [Metroid Prime: Hunters - 0258 4439 7659]

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  1. Mario 128 aka. Pikmin.
  2. Widescreen PC monitors display at a ratio of 16:10 rather than 16:9 so there will be some stretching. Probably won't be too noticable though.
  3. Hey, I treasure my Yoshi's Theme ringtone. Worth every star.
  4. Sequal to Super Smash Tennis would rock.
  5. Bovril used to be made from cows but they changed to a 100% veggie recipe during that whole BSE thing.
  6. I bought a copy off Amazon last week.
  7. Retro Studios is a second party developer wholly owned by Nintendo. If all Nintendo games will offer free connection to the wi-fi network then there is no chance there will be a fee for its online features.
  8. Errr... Metroid?
  9. The Revolution was just an empty box at TGS. If there was a battery it was an AAA Duracell battery used to power a tiny blue LED.
  10. Do not buy a booteg DVD on eBay. You can find it for free at various Bit Torrent outlets. Or wait for the nearly completed official DVD to be released.
  11. Evolution hasn't stopped, it's just we don't live nearly long enough to witness its effects first hand.
  12. I frequently do.
  13. It's easy when there's no evidence.
  14. It's got nothing to do with voodoo. People have been buried alive as long as people have been buried. Heavy sleepers beware.
  15. Moral of the story: Don't befriend lying crack-heads on the net and give them a place to stay.
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