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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. Some help plz my router isnt listed on the xbox site as compatible and it keeps cutting off or wont connect to a game it cant be my connection because that is fast, so it has to be my router out of this list can anyone tell me what is the best one to get ? thx list: http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/support/xbox/connect/faq/routers.htm
  2. Depends i think... took me 2 days to complete normal mode, im starting hard now
  3. Well thats it just done GRAW on normal WKD GAME going to try it on hard now (something i neva do on games) i cant stop playin it
  4. LOL Just been watching that Spore video on your site m8, looks amazing Do you know if its coming out on the 360 ?
  5. aye thats the only way iv found aswell m8 which i think is shit, there should be lil health kits dotted all around each mission
  6. batterys need replacing
  7. THIS MIGHT BE A SPOILER I DUNNO BUG ON GRAW ON "BULLDOG" MISSION seems alot of people are having the same problem just read on the offical forum http://forums.ubi.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/3291043913/m/2101016124 im off to restart the mission to see if it will get past this part. I will let you know what happens *EDIT* Well restarting the mission worked, but thats shit having to restart the mission. An update will prob be on its way soon
  8. well thats shit Aye its a great game, im far on it now like will go on to hard missions soon as im done with normal
  9. just a few questions about GRAW I know you can heal your team when they are down but is there anyway to heal yourself when you are alomst dead ? And on the side of the box, all my other games have colour and it matches the front, but my graw looks shit and it has just text on the side with the game name on the side. Is everyone elses like that ?
  10. aye the game is amazing, glad i got it im stuck on mission 2 alreay i keep dying in the same place all the time havnt played on live yet, i will do later on anyone else played online ? is it any good ?
  11. GOT IT from grainger games in benton last copy aswell been all over, game, dixons, asda nd none of them had it glad i got it im off 2 play :p
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOO Just looked on my Gameplay account and it says status: Backorder expected 17th March looks like im off 2 the town then for it just pre-ordered all the xbox games and ds games im wanting in the future so im at the front of the list cant believe it gameplay have always been good to me
  13. where did you pre-order from ??
  14. nor m8 im going to wait, im hoping they have shipped it and not updated my online account thx anyways
  15. aye thats what mine says and i pre-ordered on the 3rd of this month im going to have to start pre-ordering a lot earlier from now on if i dont get it tomorrow
  16. Hmmm... seems that GRAW is region free, i didnt think we would see another region free game after DOA4
  17. r rite, nice 1 do u get them cheaper aswell ??
  18. condemned and doa4 are amazing aswell m8 but i agree not enuff great games, games that are coming out soon tho will prob change that
  19. how u get it early m8 ??
  20. nice read, cant wait for this game looks amazin
  21. aye m8 let is know if FNR3 is any good caus as soon as im done with GRAW im going to get it if its any good
  22. no m8 the 360 is spot on, just FF for it is shit, well the demo was
  23. From Major Nelson: what the hell is Toryumon ??
  24. thx didnt know that just switched back to 50hz as i wont be playing on DOA4 soon as GRAW comes
  25. yeah very weird rules i wonder if 5:09 can be beaten or that is the quickest time ever, as a few people have the same time
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