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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. My Prey never came today gameplay let me down again have to wait till tomorrow
  2. Looking at Gameplays's site there isnt any FREE Prey Figurine's left and was wondering who ordered the game didnt get one ? How many is there ? On the e-mail I got it says it got sent out but I will have to wait and see when the game comes
  3. m_fergy


    Theres been alot of talk about the ZUNE lately and that its comin in Dec, The Ipod killer... Alot of sites have been saying that it will play games and some saying it wont, but imo it has to be able to play games or it wont "kill" the Ipod I think it will play all Arcade games for the 360, Just like they said at E3 they were going to do with mobiles. I hope this happens and I will defo get rid of my Ipod, the Ipod would be amazing with games...
  4. Ø July 12 – Frogger Ø July 19 – Cloning Clyde Ø July 26 – Galaga Ø August 2 – Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting Ø August 9 – Pac-Man Cant wait, will be all apart from cloning clyde, doesnt look that good *EDIT* Frogger is going to be 400 points, thats about £4 so its a good price, hope the other games are the same price aswell
  5. Prey gets a good review from IGN cant wait till fri for a new game to play on http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/717/717824p2.html
  6. Did anyone get Chromehounds ? Is it any good ?
  7. The best football game ever was FIFA 1996 for the PC it was an amazing game. After that they changed it far to much
  8. Well... anyone gettin Prey ? Im only getting it because I dont think I will like Chromehounds and they are the only 2 games coming out for a while But when September comes were spoilt for choice, looking on Gameplays site im going to be gettin Saints Row Dead Rising Splinter Cell - Double Agent (4) Rayman 4 I dont think I will be getting Tony Hawks Project 8 as the other ones didnt intrest me All them games should last till November when there is another loads of great games coming out
  9. Well the oo in PooS Is ment to be an infinity sign but an infinity controller ? doesnt make any sense Sony are really fucking up
  10. Prey is canny good, I was expecting it to be shit but iv just pre-ordered it there after playing the demo good game
  11. Saints Row Demo Dated... 1st August Link
  12. Price for the maps for GRAW is shocking I am skint till I get paid next week so have to wait till then to download it I hope that every company doesnt charge this much for updates on games it will cost a fortune
  13. any ideas of release date ?
  14. Aye it looks good, anyone know how many points its going to cost ?
  15. Siants Row Dated Link
  16. It best not be £550 I dont think they would go to the £500 mark over here (UK) £425 seem right (Or £400) If it is anything over £500 I defo wont be paying it
  17. Them will look shit imo Link Section F It tell yous what paint you need to use and stuff
  18. Someone made it for me His e-mail address is [email protected] if anyone wants any made
  19. My mario faceplate is finished Faceplate Has anyone else got any cutsom faceplates ?
  20. Says who ?
  21. Ok thx m8 Aye a know the game is shit, its for me lil bro tho he used to loved it on the xbox Thx again
  22. My lil bro just got Conker and he forgot to look at the offical list and dont work on his 360 (unlucky him) does anyone know if Rare are going to make an update to make it work on the 360 ? thx
  23. Aye same here m8 Iv just clocked NSMB and theres a 360 game drout, so will prob be pickin this up
  24. Pointless tho imo The whole point in the 360 is having live, and I think it will be the same for the PS3 and Wii
  25. Its pointless now cracking systems as the companys can just make updates to stop it I think the 360's new update was delayed because of this hack. It will be fixed when its released Same thing will happen to the PS3 if it gets hacked
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