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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. The Darkness screens Link Looks a good game does anyone know the release date ??
  2. Just a thought With the 2 "ii" in the name do you think there will be 2 controllers in the box now instead of 1 ? they could of just used 1 "i" (Wi) instead on 2 "ii" (Wii)
  3. aye game looks great i got fifa today and there was a card with a few free days of live on it, if i put the code in will the days just add on to my days left ? thx
  4. LOL Just played on the Loco Roco demo and its a wkd game looks like there is use for PSP again soon as Loco Roco comes out im going to get it
  5. Yeah, But most of them games are comin to the 360 aswell I think the PS3 needs to launch with a load of games that arnt going to be on the 360 to have good launch sales
  6. Nice lil video to show that UNO will have web cam support Link
  7. Not out for 360 m8 or i would
  8. LOL aye They are really shit, what a waste of money but im only asking about the demo's as the LocoRoco demo is now available for v2.7 and i was thinking you might get some exclusive E3 demos from them
  9. Naaaa your wrong once again
  10. that vid is amazing cant wait to see the results in a proppa game
  11. Caus its FOOTBALL you might not like it, but a love it one of the best things ever aswell as DRINK and WOMEN The 3 most important things in life
  12. Just checked my Gameplay account and it says that 2006 FIFA World Cup is gettin sent today, so i should get it the morra anyone else gettin it so we can have a match ??
  13. Just watched this E3 preview for Sony Link And they say if you are lucky to get in, dont forget to take your PSP Do you think you will be able to download demos ?
  14. Oki Doki... ... Anyway who is getting one ? Im still up for getting one just waiting to see if the PS3 is going to have some good launch titles first
  15. Should just keep the 3 together, there all next gen consoles Or at least put a link in Other Consoles board to the offical rev board
  16. bout time this was started you should make a offical rev one aswell m8 and keep the 3 together
  17. yeah you could be right m8 link
  18. good point but what about the rev ? he will be skint if he gets a 360 and a few games, no money left for a rev ... Another thing UNO is out on XBL I have never played the game before and wont be getting it just thought yous might want to know
  19. how does it make sense
  20. only ff11 well a think thats the only 1
  21. LOL he hasnt got a clue And i dont think the 360 gets hot, well mine hasnt got hot And yesh the new HD drive will be external to play the HD movies you will be proven wrong when E3 comes :p
  22. Im not arsed about the price now like, and blu-ray ( Me thinks it will fail ) im expecting no more than £450, that will be top end of price I just cant wait to see the new shape of the ps3 and the controller, and the games of course not long to wait now
  23. Yeah m8 i do the BETA was shit imo, didnt like it one bit, the game wasnt made for a console and you have to pay extra on top ov the LIVE subscription thats even worse, you should just pay for LIVE and thats it A hope no other games do the extra charge for online play
  24. Well thats right but i have to say that the 1st and 3rd pic are achievable in game on the 360 the 2nd pic looks like a video could be wrong tho just have to wait and see
  25. why is that ?? the 1st and 3rd pic look like in game screens to me
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