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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. What games are peopel gettin end ov this month march/april ?? im going to get 3 Tombraider Fifa World Cup Blazing Angels Which I think is shit 3 games to last me a while, just looking on gameplay's release canalender and the next game im gettin is Dead Rising which doesnt come out till June but i think that will get knock back a few month Proppa shit, needs to be more games coming out Very dissapointed
  2. HDTV is the future tho everyone is going to need one sooner or later, so its not just for a console
  3. So was I m8, but just read Team Xbox's review read
  4. aye m8, wouldnt go any higher will just wait till the price comes down if it is
  5. well if its £400 then i will defo be gettin one but any higher then im not paying it
  6. Is the 23" arlright m8 ?? Im gettin a HD but dont know what size to get I will only be using it for games like so i dont want to be spending a fortune
  7. The 23" isnt even HD is it ??
  8. Nice 1 Much ya pay ??
  9. The FF Demo downloaded stuff to my HD but i cant find it ?? anyone know where it downloads to ?? Iv got Hexic and gamerpics but they shouldnt take up that much space, I should have around 13gb same as you guys
  10. Quick Question The HD for the 360 is 20gb correct ?? Well then how have I only got 8gb left on mine ?? There is no demo's, music, pic on it at all iv looked around but can only find my game saves on, they cant take up all that space, can they ?? thx
  11. PS3 games will be region free but not the videos nice move for sony http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/10544/PlayStation-3-Will-Be-Region-Free-for-Gaming/
  12. does this work on any game or just Oblivion ??
  13. aye iv read alot about this lately, its all over the web we will just have to wait and see what happens...
  14. Its nice to see that Microsoft are keeping there games updated Just hope other companys will do the same.
  15. Aye i dont think i will be gettin Oblivion, Graphics looks great but its not my type of game, I will just stick with G.R.A.W until Tomb Raider comes
  16. Xbox 360 hacked very sad news i hope microsoft bring an update out soon http://xbox360.qj.net/Xbox-360-Hacked-Backup-Discs-Now-Playable-/pg/49/aid/11334#comments
  17. Aye m8 looks like your right they have updated the date on Gameplay aswell
  18. no but this is a nice read http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps3/game/news/article.jsp?releaseId=20060314132311609002&articleId=20060314125839671048&sectionId=1006 cant wait to see how much its going to cost
  19. would take ages to download an PS2 game tho, compared to an NES game bad move if they do this imo
  20. No, No U need to have the same I.P's to connect with a cross-over cable m8
  21. Has anybody done any hard missions yet ?? Im half way through the first mission and its 2 hard Ill do it tho The game is much better in hard mode, Its more tatical, U have to use your team mates alot m8 This used to happen to me m8 but iv just fixed it Go into "My Network Places" and take the firewall off the connection and it should work well its working for me now
  22. My computer (comp1) is connected to the internet from another computer (comp2) and I am using a wireless card to connect to the router to get my internet. I am trying to connect my 360 and my computer (comp1) together, when I try with the cross-over cable it pop-up in the bottom right hard corner and it says it’s connected. But when I try to connect to xbox-live it says I have to test to connection and when I do that it says that there is a problem with the I.P Both of the I.P are the same on my 360 and on my computer (comp1) Any help ? Thanks
  23. *EDIT* Oki Doki Thx
  24. try and update the firmware if you can
  25. time yous playing ? i havnt done any of them yet
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