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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. Just finished AC1 finally ! Now onto AC2
  2. Its on the "Video Marketplace" Matt
  3. Sky player is unreal ! Love all the movies on demand, Prob watch the liverpool match the nite aswell on it. Is this ment to be the UK's version of Netflix ?
  4. Nightmare m8. Iv been playing the demo for a while today and its great, cant wait for the full game
  5. Yeah you will prob get yours soon Im gonna try the code at 12:01 see if it downloads
  6. Its not working yet m8. Cant download till 27th
  7. HAHA just reading about the 360 demo and then got a e-mail from Game with the demo code and a baseball bat Off to download now
  8. WOOOOOOOOOT ! This looks great Sky 360 Anyone know of pricing ?
  9. Anyone else get into the Preview Program ? Im loving it so far
  10. Aye iv got it pre-ordered H-O-T look a good game co-op should be fun
  11. Hahahaha quality pics Matt... Im liking my little cameo
  12. U finished it already ?
  13. Got the game today but wont be able to play till thur night stupid work !!! Sounds great tho from the comments iv read
  14. Is this just Resi 1 redone again ?
  15. m_fergy

    Fifa 10

    What deal was that ? Just got mine through the door off to play
  16. Anyone up for legendary co-op or firefight ?
  17. Naaaaaaaaa im good
  18. Cant wait to play this... Just got my e-mail from Game saying its been shipped
  19. Yeah I think I just put a random date of birth in Totally fucked it up
  20. Just got my Slim but cant remember my US account password It auto log's in on my Fat PS3 so I was wondering is there any way to transfer the games I got from the US account to my UK one ?
  21. m_fergy

    Fifa 10

    Great game... Cant wait for it
  22. Sky TV are rolling out 3D TV in 2010... If this takes off I can see the next consoles that come out will be in 3D
  23. Just been an ordered all my game from now until the end of the year... 360 HALO 3 ODST DEAD RISING 2 FIFA 10 MODERN WARFARE 2 LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ASSASSINS CREED 2 PS3 UNCHARTED 2 WII NEW SUPER MARIO BROS RESI EVIL DARKSIDE Looking to be a good last few months of gaming... Glad iv got some PS3 and WII games to play on as they never get touched. What you guys getting ?
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