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Everything posted by Max

  1. personally i think arsenal will go missing for about 3-4 seasons if henry leaves along with wenger. To be honest, this will reasult in probably fabregas leaving as well. @ ramar: i dont think the rest of the arsenal players are compentent to even make it to a big top flight team. the only good players left are toure and van persi and resiky. IMO, adubayor, theo, clishe and teh rest are quite poor, compare them to a big team like say milan, barca and united and you will see the differences. if thats the team your playing with next season (no henry, wenger, fabrigas), i expect no more than 6th place finish.
  2. now why would you want to step down in your career? from barca o liverpool? kinda beggining to question how a "big" arsenal are, thats twice their best player and captin leaves. they are a selling club, cant keep their main assests. is this by by arsenal at the expence of spurs? oh the agony, should be funny.
  3. ok people, need help here. I need 10-15 tracks that i can use while jogging, have no idea what to use. list your compilations or suggestions. ps, no RNB music, i cant stand it.
  4. i think bent will go to liverpool, then they can win the league :p his price range is stupidly high, around 17million, proving my point about over priced british player. I hate reality!
  5. united to sign Quagulaire (sp?) for around 8-10 million? amaizing talent, pitty rossi wont get more chances next year either. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,16368,1778_2360348,00.html PS, iv been hearing liverpool fan say "watch us next season" for the past 11 season (since FA cup loss to united). all we seen was them fail mysrably(sp?). you cant win with players like arrullio, crouch (i thing hes as shit as it gets), bellamy, kout (hard work alone gets you no where), fowler (was good 7 years ago), pennant (not good enough for top flight), xabi alonso (excellent passer and hard worker but nothing That special), luis garcier (versitile player but so is K. richardson), Gonzales (no results found), zenden (was good in 2002), sissoko (great tackler and dedicated hard worker, admire his determination, love to laf at his passing). PSS, you also need 2 seasons before team gels together and play good, look at united for past 3 season. arsenal are going through that stage now. ill be waiting till 2010 before you can fight for title unless you do a chelsea and grab eto, torres, silva, kaka and robben then thats ok. PSSS, you also lack a playmeker, gerrard cant do everything! edit: hobbzinio beat me in analysing liverpool. also, remember houlier signings? hahaha.
  6. Player of the season: tevez/ronaldo Goal of the season: ronaldo roony counter attack, cant remember against who. Team of the season: United!/ sunderland Manager of the season: keane or Morinho purely because of "liverpool are a cup team, they play 5 games this year and we play 27" and after the match "we were better team, they were scared to attack, and they are home team"
  7. also you forgot to mention 21 to death within a week. bikes are really dnagerous especially if your a bad driver.
  8. get a toyota aygo, citreon C1 or peugeot 107. all are nice city cars and can get them for like 3000 pounds second hand (05 model), 6000 brand new. or you could go with the rest and get a old polo/Gulf for cheap or micra/metro. all are good and last you a couple of years. dont get a good car untill like your 24/26 as youll get cheaper insurance, your a better driver, your matured.
  9. well count me out, i didnt say anything, infact, im exceited as well, finally liverpool can compete with the big boys (united, chealsea) and prove it with modern day football and not "we were in the 70s/80s" talk. PS, i took great joy in your demise against milan.
  10. hobbzinio. your mission should you chose to accept it is to infultrate and get those plan. this message will self delet in 11 hours 30 mins. ps, he might be telling the trouth, he may not, who cares? as they say, "todays secrets are tomorrows news".
  11. is this the new stadium? or is it just the original plans? http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/newstadium/video/newanfieldvirtualtour_medium.asx
  12. ok heres the easy ways to score that i have seen (and i hate most of them). most people play with the hammer bros. smash untill everything is smashed then charge up and shoot. 95% its a goal if you know out the keeper with the hammers. Mario/Luigi become large and charge up megastrike (unstopable). waluigi and hist bastered purple thing, make a box around you and do megastrike keep the ball in the air and volly after 6-8 passes. ps. i love the laser stage.
  13. or post it here, i wonna see how it looks. alternatively another PM to me would be good.
  14. we call it a draw then shal we?
  15. the shirt and shorts are good. looks nice, kinda like AS Roma away kit in 2000. if arsenal finish empt handed, blame the socks!
  16. i like clinical strikers, ie. 1 shot 1 goal players, the likes of shearer, batistuta, ruud and crespo. But you will lose the clinical edge if you play with players that arnt full out strikers at the expense of creating much more chances due to great movement.
  17. i agree with apple on this, too much bad words used these days, started around 6 months or so ago. you can argue or disagree, but no need to insult or get rude. Aahhh, the good old days when we had the Banned words (they get changed when posted) or replace by astrix.
  18. Saha must go! i hate him to bits, hes total shite IMO and i think hes actually a retard! 1- misses too many chances, too tooooo many! 2- quite greedy on the ball (can be excused as hes a striker) 3- Dropt to mid to get the ball during an attack, but stays there when eveything is moving forward. 4- worse than a testicle in the air when it comes to heading. Poor movement inside the box.
  19. what about the sampdoria striker, quagulaire or what ever his name is? he reminds me of batistuta for fiorentina. he is probable the best finnisher in the italian league. probably can get him for 8-10 million. also, regarding the debate about unites formation, i think football has changed, no longer do you need the all out striker, players that drop back and move around seem to be the new way forword. look at AS Roma, they played without a all out striker. eg. roony, nani and ronaldo can all rotate in a "3 up front" formation like the 4-3-3 we played for many games last season. a quick swith from 4-5-1 to 4-3-3 with ronaldo and rooney/giggs helping larsson/rooney. edit: its actually Quagliarella edit 2:
  20. bring it on, ill play ya online. im soooo crap its not funny, been struggling through the fire cup, battered in the crystal cup.
  21. ROFL, true, cant compare player like that, but i still think bayern ripped united off, as we all know, english players are overpriced! every time. if you remember... rio ferdinand 28 million, cannavaro 16 million, nesta 18 million. same with strikers, toni goes for 5 million was it while any other english striker in the prem would have easilly clocked 10-15 million.
  22. 17 million, wonder if the money will go straight from uniteds account into Marseille
  23. ok, how do you do high ball passing? and also, how do you stop it? the comp does it many times and scores from a volly and its pissing me off online when people do it!
  24. worst movie ever was "Lava", a british movie set in the first notinghil gate carneval, shit as shit! worst movie i have ever seen in my life, and iv seen alot of shit movies! now im just angry.
  25. avoid aspirin/ibuprofen at all cost as they can give you very strong stomach pains, take paracetamol 2 every 6 hours, no more than 8 (4g) in total. eating helps as well as taking something like st. Johns wort suppliments, its very good.
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