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Everything posted by Max

  1. i liked the new episode, too much emotion though with JD. loved Dr. Cox illimination method.
  2. ronaldo sold the tackle to city defence and they bought it, 1-0. need to be more penetrating to get more goals. predict a 3-1 to united
  3. vidic and rio are both on the team sheet, but hope they are mach fit to play. its gonna be really really hard, if they contain us then its all over coz we cant sit back at all. ill take a draw in any form, we must score first! who ever scores first tomorrow will win.
  4. wow, we played like true champions today, never looked like giving up. and to be fair, chelsea have had results (1-0 or 2-1s) but havnt showed great class, not entertaining football.
  5. the Todd rules! agreement five! *smack*
  6. i think south park should be on that list instead of futurama.
  7. twice, rome for the second goal, then pompy for the first. and a couple more times that we got away with. i still think rio was too lazy and got pushed away for the first goal against pompy, just didnt have enough commitment to get the ball. lets hope they wake up, really really fast! and know that reality just hit them on the chin to remind them how bad this year can be!
  8. from what iv seen here, i thinkill avoid it for now, maybe untill its available for 5-10 pounds. havnt played a deacent shooter since perfect dark to be honest, and didnt like anything else available like time splitters, goolden eye roague agent, ect... there seems to be too much "wrong" things with red steel and not enough goodness to motivate me to go get it.
  9. from being in all 3 compatition, to being out of all in the next 10 days? screw this, didnt fergi see it coming when he had o'shea, fletcher and richerdson playig in the same team? play one of them, fair enough, but all 3!!!! now its chelsea with all the luck, whats that now, a good nine 1-0 wins this season for them? propa cheesed off for next few days!
  10. love scrubs, totally awsome, and it seems to get better ever episode. ps. any House fans here? isnt Dr. house as sarcastic as Dr. cox? love it.
  11. simpsons is a classic, but its getting old, quickly, not funny anymore. never found futurama funny, never really liked it. american dad is funny some times but its.... i dont know, not the same as family guy. family guy in my oppinion is one of the funniest shows ever, racist humour, sarcasm, randomness, political comedy and the rest, its too funny. every time there is majour world incident, family guy capitalises on it (eg. zidane, micheal Moor, the floods in america, ect..)
  12. he also scored in uniteds 4-0 win, 2 times so its not a goal drought, i just think hes in a team that lacks ambition and effort as there has been no change since erricson in style or tactics.
  13. i ahve some questions regarding the movie. apparently its a true story? did the persians cross breed goats with humans to make goat/human species? did they remove the meat of the hands of their excicutioner so he huses his bones to behead people? why wernt the "immortals" japanees samurie? or ninjas?
  14. i have an idea, how about we have multiple meeting points, the south, teh north , ect.. much like how rock bands tour the nation, except we would have them simultaniously.
  15. so how is this gonna be like? released>> recently released>> soon>> not so soon>>? relealy like this thread, its helpful in sortingout finances if you know what i mean.
  16. was listeneing to that for 3 hours yesterday on talksport. hahaha so true, why doesnt he just play SWP, gerrard, hargreeve, lennon?, if its that bad, just add in another mid player like lampard/carrick and play 4-5-1, or get wazza to drop back. i honestly think i can do a better job right now, no joke. gonna send the FA an email telling them this and nominating my self as a manager.
  17. can we also have a list of games already released in the uk here? then i can see if any good games have come out that im unaware?
  18. why is mclaren manager? his only achievement is an league cup final! i say bring on well know club mangers, like say cappello, anccelloti (sp?), lippi, passarella, hector couper, rafa, big phil, wenger, the byern munich dude or anyone who is established as a great manager worldwide. and another thing, having great work rate determination is not good enough if you dont have the technical ability. Why does the england team keep focusing on stupid "preformances rather than points" - john terry.
  19. there is a plus side to nuke weapons, biological and chemical one have dropped to low levels. more detonation power replacing pure intention to kill. a step in right direction.
  20. should have won, wernt clinical enough and wazza played quite bad apart from the goal. i think we will hurt them in the replay.
  21. we have silvestre, fletcher, solskjear(sp?), saha out with larson leaving, this means we have to bring in dong into squad.
  22. really doubt united to push on all three fronts seeing how injuries are coming hard and fast. liverpool have the best chance as they are only focusing on one tournament (no FA cup or Prem to chase). probably will struggle against Roma and tomorrow. hard times are coming.
  23. now lets compare that to Milan, Barca, Real, Byern and Ajax and United, the teams with the biggest trophy tally and fan base. see the differance?
  24. personally, i thought TP was almost a perfect game and more than filled the void left by OoT. only thing that killed it was lack of longer side quests like trading and the fishing mechanism killed me a little inside every time. apart from that, its a game id give 9.5/10, best game for me since MGS:TS and Resi 4.
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