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Everything posted by Max

  1. horrible ref today, talking about arsenal being picked on, screw that, did you see how united were treated today, foul after foul after foul, diarra alone commited 16 of them!
  2. just got it today, played arcade mode and will join online soon after i can get hold of the contralls in campain mode
  3. *shakes fist* soon, SOON!
  4. what? first win in 5 games or so?
  5. giggs was horrible, he has been for past 3-4 games. point gained rather than lost. anderson and nani to start from now on, personally, didnt think giggs should have been kept this season. appreciate his service and all but its about the club and a dead duracell battery aint gonna power up anything once its finished. need to reshape and get back on track, its hunting time.
  6. too much class to handle, bring on the treble.
  7. balls of fury, funny movie. 7/10
  8. spurs go to united on sunday, cant wait. lets hope they tire out abit.
  9. well arsenal started ok, just proves my point if someone goes at them, they will crash. well done spurs. gunners cant use the "we had our reserves on" statment in that one, had six first team players and as you know, they big up their squand. felt sorry for the keeper, cant do anything.
  10. arnt you watching the game? its been spurs since 25 mins till HT
  11. some ebay.com have available to shit to UK, costs you about 15 ex. P+P
  12. 2-0 spurs at HT, should have been more. arsenal have created little since they let in the first goal which was against the run of play.
  13. and some people thought that it was liverpools season, hahaha, some retards.... tipified the liverpool ambition, very similer to newcastle fans, think they can go places but end up ..... erm ..... back at home.
  14. really need to get a couple of shooting games and need the right guns for them. from what iv been told, the zapper is quite poor for RE:UC and ghost squad, is that true, there are loads of options available out there, what to do??? wii official zapper random gun light gun lifekingdom laser gun 2 in 1 gun (2peices) shotgun! Nyko perfect shot, apparently one of the best out there any ideas???
  15. getting big urge to play it, havnt touched it since last year feb WOW!, been a year already? gonna go on a zelda marathon with OoT, WW and TP, will try to finish it in 3 months.
  16. united! ronaldos goal was class, a ron and roo on one reading defender was funny even though ron went all the way. really getting frustrated with giggs in past 2-3 games, he seems too clumsy.
  17. howmuch for the keyboard? looks slik
  18. soon, soon my child. *strokes beard*
  19. and so the tide has turned, liverpool not good enough, arsenal without some main players, how will they cope as the pace picks up? united to win the EPL with chelsea a close second. as soon as arsenal lose their confidance its all over.
  20. with cloths, how can you be sure its the right fit? you cant buy and assume its gonna be the right size/fit.
  21. xenical 3 times a day with food. problem is, its prescription only medication and costs 30 pounds for a pack.
  22. one of the luckiest goals ever seen.... and people rate theo, lol, what shambles.
  23. happy b-day J7 all the best, and remember the sig you made for me IN 2002? really appreciate it!
  24. then theres no point coz the seasons almost over here, it finishes in may/june
  25. can someone gimme the name of the song? lyrics go something like this.... "wide eyes and open mouth, you look a little lost and found" i searched it and cant find it!
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