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Everything posted by wavedash

  1. I have a shuttle SS56G case, http://global.shuttle.com/Product/Barebone/SS59G-Spec.asp this is a newermodel, but it still uses the "G-chassis" so it is the same size as my case. this is the motherboard I want to put in it: http://www.itestate.com.au/products_detail.asp?code=PD00003895 its a microATX, and it also says uATX, but im not sure if this will fit in my pc, so how can I tell?
  2. hey, does anyone know any good programs (free) that can convert files to DivX? thanks.
  3. same, i would think the ps3 would be on top btw i voted for the rev
  4. its 6-8 weeks delivery isnt it?
  5. That happened to me aswell. First time, it booted fine the next day, but then the problem started again about a week after. It was still under insurance so I got it replaced. btw mine is a Shuttle XPC (micro-pc)
  6. all you really need, is a big HDD, a DVD drive and a remote. As for the OS mythtv would be fine.
  7. I agree with Moria, just get another HDD
  8. I have a mini-pc, and I was wondering where i can get a board that supports pentium M chips? I know that Shuttle has released a case w/motherboard which supports pentium M, and i was wondering where could i get a board seperately.
  9. i hope they ue the full gpu of the cube, like in re4, so it would have amazing graphics, they did it with MP why not with this too?
  10. yeah, but like i said before, i got no money, i might though, if i get it later on in the year. A gig of ram costs about 100AU, but should I wait for the M2 socket, and get DDR2?
  11. cant wait for this, i doubt it'l work on my comp (or even my next comp) but still. I dont see why they are porting to console, it wont have the same feel as a pc ver.
  12. uhhh......isnt the x1900 a dual slot card? tha x1800 was. also in some mag they showed that there was a decrease in performance (only a bit) with 2G of RAM over 1G, but it doesnt really matter much.
  13. yeah i would get a GT but im trying to get a cheap comp, and then upgrade, first of which will be a dvd burner, but with the video card ill probably get the new 7600 which nvidia is supposed to be releasin sooner or later
  14. im buying a ne computer soon and i was wondering if this was good for this price: Motherboard: ASUS A8N-VM CSM (4 sata, 1x16 slot, hd audio, gigabit network) Processor: AMD Athlon64 3200 Venice Core Memory: 512MB DDR400 Harddrive: Western Digital 200GB SATA 8MB Cache Videocard:Xpertvision GeForce 6600 128mb, 128bit all for $710AU, i dont know how much in pounds/euros
  15. iv' always used norton ive never tried mcfee, but they should be about the same in any case
  16. didn't someone say that the GC sold more than the x360 in december?
  17. thanks, would i be able to run it on a 250w psu?
  18. ive bought a computer and i want to get a 9800XT, so i was wondering which brand would be the best (like MSI and stuff) i would also like to know if you can get 400w psu's for micro pc's.thanks in advance
  19. only thing is, i dont know what to put on it, here it is: you can use it if u want
  20. damn! i was really hoping to play that. is there a list of games doqnloadable in the PAL region?
  21. Don't see PD being available for Download because Rare own the copyright, sorry are you sure? i saw it on the list of downloadable games
  22. 1. Marth ( been using him since i got the game) 2.Samus (missile canceling and bomb jumps combos) 3.Falco (just plain fun to combo with) 4.Sheik (one of my old fav characters) 5.Captain Falcon (I just love using the dreaded knee! (fair)) 6.Mewtwo (hardly anyone uses him, so i just do)
  23. oh sorry ill post there
  24. x for me, use to use up but then i learnt about hopping/wavedashing.
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