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Everything posted by Yoochem

  1. Well, what I do is upload them on photobucket, and then put the direct link to the image in an IMG code. Do you play with a SCART connection to your tv? Might be that your images are just smaller because some people here play with component cables, which support a higher screen resolution...
  2. It will create a 2nd, 3rd or 4th (and that's it) character But first, did you buy a wardrobe yet? You can put 160 items (excluding things like fish, bugs or turnips) in there!
  3. So does that mean you have a 90% chance of growing 3 x 90k bells (like fruit) if you drop in 90k bells? And do the bells regrow after 3 days, or does it only work once? Even if the first statement is true and the second one false, it would be a really easy way of making money
  4. Ah, so that's why there's no money on my would-be moneytree :p Is there any way to influence the chances of money growing on the tree or do you just have to be lucky?
  5. I don't take many pictures, but I thought I'd upload the ones I have anyway. I also put them all in 1 picture, saves time uploading & space Edit: Some more pics, more recently taken:
  6. Lol, and the wallpaper is one of the cheapest items. Have you looked at the price for the bed? It's a whopping 300k bells!!! The HRA will love you if you have the set though, so time to buy & sell those turnips!
  7. I read in an interview somewhere that the developers thought it would take months for a path form, but I think that's a real understatement. Also, I don't know how they think everyone plays the game, but I don't always walk 1 route to my house/nook's/the museum etc. So yeah, my town's also starting to look like a desert more and more Only solution I can think of (besides just not playing) is time-warping a month into the future and back, though that could have all kinds of side effects (villagers leaving, for instance). Or we should all persuade Nintendo to release some sort of patch, which I doubt will ever happen.
  8. Yeah, so glad I could sell them for 600 / turnip, whereas I bought them for 100 And thanks again for doing that for me by the way Even though I don't expect to get that lucky again, I'm sure a good deal of my profit will go to turnips again, I want to become a Bellionaire!
  9. And I have 990 :| But he hasn't added me yet! Please, someone tell him to add me :P
  10. And keep in mind that XBL doesn't require a FC to play with others, you can just play with anyone! Anyhow, I finally caught a tuna today & I found a golden slingshot! Never had one of those in WW ^^
  11. Well, I only have AC, so I can't be totally objective, but I can tell you that you will still be playing AC a year from now, and I heard that D: DoC 'only' lasts about 11 hours. Maybe more if you play the game again, but that's it. On the other hand, AC is is essence still the same game that was released on the DS, while D: DoC is more like watching a movie (again, just what I heard, not based on own experience) and was very well received by the press. So all in all, you should decide whether you want a game that's going to last quite a while, or a game that will blow you away from the start and last a few weeks at most. If I were you, I'd just rent D: DoC and after that buy AC monotome, zombie-like voice: ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US... o_0 I can give you 3 of both (they're not native to my town), in return for some coconuts Will you be opening your gate anytime soon? Cuz' my nook's closed so I don't really see a point in doing so
  12. Reay? I got a Snowman clock ^^ Let's see if I can get the whole set by making many perfect snowmen :p And yeah, the northern lights look really great, I also have them in my town this evening!
  13. I've never heard anyone say that before:wtf: Anyway, give us your FC, name & town (in the online thread) so we can add you ^^
  14. Eddage may have caught a coelacanth and won the bet, I'm still very proud of the stringfish I caught earlier this evening. So proud in fact, I took a picture
  15. Yeah, the DC really sucked! I also lost all the furniture/bells that I shook out of the trees After that, I just thought "what the heck, I'm gonna go watch House". I'll get the bells back tomorrow, seeing as my Nook's closed now anyways. I also was very lucky when fishing in my town this evening (so that's saved, fortunately!). Caught 2 Koi, 1 Red Snapper and 1 String fish, in little more than an hour! Oh, and welsh_gamer told us he'd give the bells to you when he sees you again, so don't worry ^^
  16. So, I made some pics (well, 2 actually) too this evening, just to try it out. Works kinda annoying I must say, if you stand still for 2 sec the menu & clock pop up, which will also appear in your picture, just like your mouse/hand! How do you guys avoid that? Anyway, went to Rhys' town this evening, and when I went to get some peaches back in my town, I found out it was snowing! So we went back to my town, and Edd, Hydro, Rhys & me tried to catch a coelcanth, in which we didn't succeed Pics: Anyhow, been fun I'm off to bed now!
  17. So is it snowing in anyone's town right now? My weatherforecast on the town's messageboard predicted a snowstorm for tomorrow! I can come online again tonight, hope to see you guys then
  18. Yeah, you were so lucky tonight! On the other hand, it wasn't snowing anymore, so I guess our coelcanth catching match has been postponed (I still wanna win the 15k of bells, 5k per person guys! ) AC LGTTC (really, whatever happened to just saying WW? ) is really amazing! Yes, it's A LOT like the previous versions. But even though I played the GC & DS versions a lot, I'm still liking this one. It also might have to do with the fact that I haven't played an AC game in over a year, so it feels good to be back ^^ Hope to see you guys (or gals, or people I haven't seen online yet ) tomorrow again!
  19. Yeh, too bad, it was fun though (except that I'll now hate sea bass forever). I'm having dinner in 5 mins, and will pop in sometime later this hour
  20. Oh well, I'm going to play it first and when I find out I really could use Wiispeak, I might just get it. It's just a €5 difference when you buy them seperate anyway :P Still though, I'd really appreciate it if a 3rd party would release a headset!
  21. Just got AC for the Wii! yay! ^^ Too bad I can't play it yet, bought it as a present for myself, and we're not celebrating 'Sinterklaas' (Dutch holiday) at my home until this Sunday, so I'll have to wait a few more days. Didn't get wiispeak by the way. I just don't see that working, since I'm always on my couch when playing and that's 5m away from my tv. Now how would someone on the other end hear me speaking over the sound that comes from my tv when the mic is on top of the damn thing? :P
  22. Hey everyone! Haven't been on the n-europe forums for quite some time now, but it's getting colder and darker outside with the winter being here and that means more time for gaming for me :P Anyhow, really psyched about this game, I'll be getting it tomorrow (assuming it won't be sold out eerywhere :P). I'm just wondering whether to get WiiSpeak or not... I don't buy new games that often, so the only game I will be using it for will be AC for a long time to come. And if there aren't that many people using it (I even read in an interview that some of the testers didn't use it even though they could :\ ) it's kind of a waste of money. On the other hand, if there are plenty of people who utilise the peripheral, it might just be wothwile getting one, since it would make communicating a lot more fun & easy. So I guess what I'm asking is, will you be getting WiiSpeak with your copy of AC? And how much do you save on getting the bundle instead of buying both separate anyway?
  23. I was hoping I would never have to post in this topic, yet here I am... Thing is, my Wii and wiimotes appear to be working fine, it's just that they don't like each other no more. No matter what I try, I can't connect one of my wiimotes to my Wii. And since the chance of both my wiimotes giving up at the same time is slim to say the least, I think something is wrong with my Wii. I already tried to connect them using the red button on the Wii and wiimote, though as you can probably guess this did not work. Does anyone know a possible solution to this problem? It just seems so weird that even though both (appear to be) working fine, they just can't connect. So before I'm calling Nintendo, I hope to hear some things that I might have overlooked or should try first Edit: Thanks to Nintendo's customer service, it all worked out fine ^^ The solution was to erase the Wii's memory of all wiimotes by keeping the red button pressed in for 15 seconds in the "Press A to continue" screen, and then reconnecting the wiimotes with the red buttons again. Sorry for bothering you all :P
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