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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I think Ridley should be the end of storymode boss for Samus; Maybe, if they thought about each characters end of storymode boss carefully, those could be the unlockable characters!? Sounds as though Samus may now be a transformable character! I really hope not!! Also, I hope they haven't made it so that Zero Suit Samus loses health (similar to Pichu), that's what it sounds like!!
  2. http://www.cubed3.com/news/5263
  3. I agree, but I don't agree that with some characters (because they don't have many costume changes e.g. fox) that the actual character model should change. They should just change the colour of the costume in the case where the character has not been seen in other outfits, or make up something new for the character, such as Pikachu's hats. Link and Samus (kind of) already had this feature in Melee, so yeah, I think we'll see it much better in SSBB.
  4. Yeah I posted that video in the Sonic Wild Fire thread and had this to say about it;
  5. Yeah I don't think Pichu and Dr. Mario should return because they are too similar to Pikachu and Mario. Roy/Falco are different enough, and it's cool having a choice of Fire Emblem/Starfox characters. Ganondorf should stay but be given unique moves and maybe use the sword. I don't think they should add anymore Pokemon, four is enough! Keep Pikachu, but if they chose to change any of the other I wouldn't mind.
  6. IGN have an article about the launch games, with info and impressions of each one; http://uk.revolution.ign.com/articles/709/709258p1.html They are listed in the exact same order, so I think that's probably where cubed3 got it from! IGN also have this to say; That's two more launch games!!
  7. There's already a Duck Hunt thread; http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6366
  8. The level design in those videos is fantastic; it really is just like a 2D Sonic in 3D! The graphics are amazing! This game looks a much better Sonic game than Sonic the Hedgehog on PS3/360, Just watch this new video of Sonic the Hedgehog PS3/360; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=10660&type=wmv&pl=game The game seems to have carried over all the problem of the previous 3D Sonics! The camera is terrible, if not worse than ever! It's constantly switching angles over Sonic and the player manages to die about 5 times in this video, all as a result of the camera not showing you where to go properly or being at the wrong angle! This game was meant to be all about Sonic going back to how it should be and being extremely fast! Well the first part of Sonics level shows alot of platforming, slow jumping, not being able to tell quite where to go, with only about 10 seconds of running/grinding! The second part of Sonics level is flat out running, but there is nothing to do! Nothing! The level is extremely boring! But this game features 3 Hedgehogs, so they'll be loads of high-speed levels right? WRONG! We've seen Shadow (at least for some part) uses vehicles, and it turns out Silvers level are not about speed either, but about using psychic powers! Silver basically walks around the level levitating objects out of the way! It seems the game will carry on the same design as Sonic Adventure 2; Running/Vehicles/Exploration(of a kind). It would seem Sonic Team have completely forgotten what Sonic games should be about; if it wasn't for Sonic Wild Fire!
  9. I really like how you use your ship to help you out in this game; it's a really cool addition! Voice acting would be great! and It's cool there are other bounty hunter in the game! Being able to fly to other planets is also cool; though it will probably just be like taking the elevators around the planets, e.g. they'll be a forest planet, fire planet, ice planet etc... with flying cutscenes between them.
  10. AMAZING new video!! http://uk.media.revolution.ign.com/media/748/748588/vids_1.html This game looks amazing! Flying through space is awesome!
  11. No, that was Hunters!Zero Mission is the very first game (hence the Zero); it's a remake of the original Metroid. I just don't get why they made her look realistic at the end of Prime (like the look of the game) and then like a cartoon at the end of Echoes (unlike the look of the game)! http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?id=2686 Any good?
  12. I haven't completed Echoes yet, but why have they made her look like a cartoon in Echoes?!!When at the end of Prime she looks great!!
  13. It's not actually Duck Hunt;
  14. The inclusion of Snake is a great move as far as sales are concerned; Imagine it was the other way round and Link was going to be in DoA4, or Samus in Halo 3; Nintendo fans would be very tempted to get that game! They'd be even more likely to try the game and buy the console if the console in question was cheap, revolutionary and recieving rave reviews; which Wii is! Awesome news!! Even better than Melee's single player! Maybe each character will have their own story and levels to go through instead of all characters going through exactly the same story/levels like in Melee. They could all have their own end of story boss; Link could fight Ganon, Samus could fight Ridley etc...
  15. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This game looks incredible!! That is one of the best trailers I've ever seen, if not the best!! Sat here speechless just saying "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Mario and Link looks amazing! The new power moves; Mario's fire and Links Triforce look awesome!! The level design and music are as good as ever! Glad it uses classic Gamecube controls aswell! Wasn't sure about Snake; I like it being just Nintendo characters, but the trailer is cool and I think 3rd Party characters will be ok. Maybe they could have 3rd party characters as the unlockable characters, so it's still just Nintendo characters from the start. Sonic etc... are bound to be in this game now! Pit looks so cool as a next-gen character and also increases the chances of Kid Icarus Wii! MetaKnight looks cool, Wario should be a pretty good character; hope you can use his hats from Wario Land, Zero Suit Samus looks great! I'm sure Suited Samus will be in the game aswell, so it'll either be a tranformable character or two seperate ones. Seems like they might have quite different moves, so if they were two characters it wouldn't be as bad as the extra characters in Melee! This is just absolutely Awesome!! Zelda and Metroid at launch, then Smash Bros and possibly Mario to look forward too a few months later!
  16. These graphics are the best choice for the game; looks good! It's unlikely it's a remake otherwise the games wouldn't have new names; Diamond and Pearl! If they were remakes they would probably have changed the original games, like they did with Red and Blue/Green, to Fire Red and Leaf Green!
  17. Just a guess from Sega, Price to be set in August/September!
  18. New video; http://media.revolution.ign.com/media/826/826983/vids_1.html
  19. New videos, great quality; featuring triple jump, backflip etc... http://media.revolution.ign.com/media/748/748588/vids_1.html This game looks incredible!!
  20. E3 Video; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=10471&type=wmv&pl=game Looks a really fun game. It's great how you could hear the crowd getting really involved in Nintendo's conference, epecially this!! Unlike a certain other conference!
  21. E3 video http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=10455&type=wmv&pl=game I think the graphics look fantastic, especially the boss fight! Also check out the close-up of the controller in the video!
  22. Super Paper Mario looks absolutely amazing!!
  23. Gameplay video; http://uk.media.revolution.ign.com/media/824/824474/vids_1.html Looks a bit better in the video!
  24. Thought it looked fantastic!! Was that Ridley in the video?!!
  25. I thought it looked fantastic!! Great graphics, great style, classic characters, awesome platforming, really well designed to use the controller etc... Could be the best Mario game yet!
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