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Everything posted by Burny

  1. So the game about feeding a girl uncooked monster hearts to save her from a curse is getting a 12 age rating, but the game about whacking monsters over the head with a bunch of mercenaries is getting 16? So far, I've no interest whatsoever in this game, as I'm not at all into hack'n'slash-type of games. But the covers look slick, brutally generic, androgynous characters be damned.
  2. I imagine you're not alone there. Still, these manuals are actually helpful sometimes. Aren't they introducing electronic manuals with 3DS games? Being able to take a look at the manual from within the game/menu seems practical.
  3. Ever tried looking into the manual? If I recall correctly, the commands for ceasing to attack, concentrating on the player's target and "attack at will" are mapped to ZR + D-pad when you're playing with a Classic Controller.
  4. Better advice? Don't! Honestly, there is practically no reason to run around, looking for monsters to kill for XP, when the game almost literally showers you with XP for merely exploring an area or doing some of the side quests. Exploring the area before the bosses (and killing any notable monsters while at it) usually brings your party to a level, where they should be waltzing over the (story) bosses.
  5. Where did it get too boring? Or did you make it too boring by trying to do all sidequests?
  6. it's is supposed to be a Q2 release according to NoE's release schedule. There are also a couple of details in the new dev diary as well: The Colors! online gallery now supports embedding of images and images (edit:) saved to the SD card are vector based. It's possible to chose resolutions up to 1600x900 when exporting.
  7. And here is the first part of Iwata asks with Sakurai. Edit: Turning the selection of powers into a min-maxing-mechanic by having to fit powers into a panel and representing powers by differently shaped "puzzle pieces" was an ingenuous system in Infinite Space and I'm sure it will be here. Even more so, if there is a compelling collection mechanic for the powers.
  8. Not to mention the current form factor is hand cramp-inducing, when playing a game like Mario Kart, that requires constantly pushing and holding the shoulder buttons.
  9. Reggie is ready... ...to talk about the stand of doom and announce the localization of the Kid Icarus anime.
  10. Too unwieldy for an abbreviation, imo. Who are most people? It's ambiguous due to the band's name and inconsistent on top of that. Why put the "i" in there, but not the "e"? I think I'd even prefer "NN" to that... So, the US get one, too? Then there might be hope for some solid news. Regardless of how much or important news there will be, I just watched most of the last one with Reggie and I think these "Direct"-videos are actually great. This way, they can put news out, that would otherwise be buried in long press releases full of marketing speak, which might never directly reach many consumers unless they're actively following gaming news sites. If they spice things up with some new footage, it's a nice way to aggregate information and announcements. Edit: While we're speculating about MH with added online, how about some news about that 3DS revision with the built in complete control setup?
  11. That gif is pure comedic quality. I wouldn't get hyped though. As long as there is no US equivalent of the "Direct" presentation/whatever they call it, this will most likely primarily concern Japan. Edit: We can probably expect some Kid Icarus details. Maybe something on "Nintendo Network" and DLC stuff (should we abbreviate as "NiNe"? ).
  12. That's still rather unlikely. As much as Zelda was a text- and "story"-heavy game for Nintendo's standards, concerning the required localization work, it will ultimately pale in comparison to Dragon Quest X. Meaning a simultaneous release as with Zelda is out of question. Considering Dragon Quest IX took about a year to come over and was not an online game with MMORPG elements, it seems likely that it would take them upwards of a year for localization again. If DQX sees a Japanese release for the Wii this summer, that would make it a summer 2013 release over here. By that time, they'll simply not waste any more money on localizing, testing and marketing a massive Wii game, when they need to sell WiiUs above all else.
  13. I thought as much, but couldn't resist. How about helping out then? Nintendo of Europe is currently looking for a couple of translators:
  14. Because the marketing people, who will be randomly picking bullet points from their press releases and posting them on Twitter, are likely the the same people as the translators?
  15. The speed in both of the later fights isn't that much of an issue. It's the shockwaves around his feet when he walks.
  16. They've got a bunch of music/speech samples and wallpapers on the official mini-site. Lot's of general info, too.
  17. @Magnus I just wanted to make sure. I feel that linearity or a standard fare JRPG story aren't going to put me off. That is, as long as "standard fare story" doesn't revolve around 12 year olds (at least visually), being pseudo-philosophical while saving the world. I'm not sure, I'll get or play it immediately when it's out. Finally finishing my studies and finding a job is more pressing at the moment...
  18. Oi! I thought I made clear that I can't speak for myself here, as all i have to go by, are people on neogaf who played this. I'd suggest you read this post and the thread from there onwards for impressions. As with everything, impressions vary and I don't have my own yet... I wouldn't take one person's assessment of the game as gospel before actually playing it myself. But while that post paints some aspects of the game in a negative light, others make me think that I personally won't be bothered by the story too much.
  19. A women standing about two heads taller than Link, with pale brown skin, bare feet in a snowy montain, a dentition that can't be called "human" even by TP's deformed standards and by the name of Yeta? Being the wife of a Yeti named Yeto? Yes, she's a Yeti women alright. :p
  20. Not that I have actually played it, but what I gathered from importers in other forums, is that plays a bit like "Gears of JRPG". It's supposed to be rather linear, as you have no overworld to explore, but a hub-town where you take on quests, which transport you directly into a dungeon. Story is supposed to be nothing special. Combat is said to be heavily action oriented and fun. People seemed to finish it in 20 to 30 hours, although online multiplayer was said to be competent. It's supposedly a very different beast compared to Xenoblade.
  21. Why would you need "things" on the PS3? As long as they're on a FAT32 formatted USB harddrive, you can just plug it into the PS3. If "things" include video files in .mkv-format, you can't play them on the PS3 anyway. If you need specific "things" on the PS3, you can copy them there when you require them and remove them when you don't anymore. Leave that junk off the console. Only scenario where 160GB wouldn't be enough - other than dumping not game-related stuff onto it - is that you'd buy a ton of retail games on PSN. It's just that it's often cheaper to actually buy these games at retail. :p
  22. Invest in their games instead (the good ones, obviously). You can't play shares when THQ isn't around anymore.
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