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Everything posted by Indigo

  1. Well, it is a horror story afterall. Since when do you read a horror novel or watch a horror movie in the daytime? Rarely.
  2. Lately I've been getting into 19th century fiction a lot. Considering how cheap you can pick up the classics for, and how the writing of the period interests me, I decided to start collecting novels. The last one I read was The Return of the Native by Hardy, which I really enjoyed. He writes such brilliantly detailed and absorbing description, seamlessly drawing you into the intriguing worlds of his characters. It's immersive and thought-provoking stuff. Currently I'm reading Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, which is very atmospheric and suspenseful. I only read it at night though, so it doesn't lose any of its edge.
  3. Siamese. They have such affectionate and expressive personalities, they're great fun.
  4. I saw some of this last night as I was channel flicking, but the presenter was such a drip I couldn't bear to watch it all. His jokes were about as dry as the magazine itself. It was horrible television, saved only by Kanye West's little speech for Best Solo Artist, and Bob Geldof accusing them of rigging the Best Event category in favour of Carling, who coincidentally sponsored one of the awards.
  5. Johnny Cash - Hurt This just came to my mind, and I'm very surprised it wasn't mentioned sooner. Watch the video for maximum effect, it nearly brought me to tears. It's so powerful and pure. This thread might as well be over.
  6. Oops, I meant to say Blue in Green, not All Blues. Like I said, I don't really find any music depressing, so I just picked one of the first mellow and pensive tracks that came to mind. The track is definitely tinged with a sense of sadness and reflection.
  7. I rarely ever find any music particularly depressing. Pensive maybe, but not depressing. Anyway, I'd recommend some Miles Davis. Blue in Green is quite a solemn track, give it a listen.
  8. Let's face it, the white Revolution is obviously very Apple influenced anyway.
  9. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Self-Titled Sigur Rós - Takk Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
  10. Agreed, that'd be excellent. I love minimalistic design.
  11. They should keep it simple and launch with just white and black. If that is the case, I think I'll have to opt for the black. It's a little more stylish.
  12. There's a resolution patch available. Unofficial, but it does the job. I used to play it in 1024x768.
  13. Agreed. The news section really irritated me. I expected a much more objective view of things, given the crop of writers on board, but I suppose I shouldn't have asked so much from an official magazine. The cover feature also seemed too biased, failing to elaborate or even mention the potential shortcomings of Nintendo's new philosophy. It seemed to imply that the sole intention for this change in direction towards more "innovative" software and hardware was for Nintendo's concern for the gamer. I somehow doubt if Nintendo were still market leader that they'd be trying to "revolutionise" the industry. They'd be be much more pragmatic and complacent with their approach. Don't get me wrong, the magazine wasn't awful. I liked the previews and reviews section, and it is certainly an improvement on the absurdity that was NOM. However, I think it's fair to say that I'll be sticking to EDGE.
  14. I'm not too keen on most internet acronyms. It's not as if any of us live such busy lives that we haven't the time to type the phrases in their entirety. I do like <3 though, when it is not overused. On a slightly related note, am I the only who cannot tolerate the MSN/Windows messenger emoticons? Text smilies FTW, as they say.
  15. I was a Worms 2 player myself. I must have logged several hundred, if not thousand hours into that game. Most of those spent on the online servers playing rope games. I was quite the roper back in the day. Ah, good times indeed.
  16. Doesn't sound like much of a solid confirmation to me.
  17. Fender Jazzmaster. I have a Sonic Blue one, I love it. I just need a nice tube amp now so I can get the full sound out of it.
  18. It seems things are looking hopeful for the new official magazine. I think I'll have to pick it up this week.
  19. While I may not condone the publishing of these cartoons, I find the Islamic world's reaction very alarmist and it certainly does very little to aid its image. The burning of Danish flags among other things only re-enforces its extremist and violent image. As a Christian, I experience ridicule of my faith regularly, yet I stay calm, argue my case pleasantly and try to forgive the person for the offense they may have caused me. Difference in opinion is just something I've grown to accept.
  20. That was excellent. It certainly brought out the inner-fanboy in me. ^_~
  21. Some of you guys need to lighten up a little. I for one found this humourous. If anything, being British is all about being able to laugh at yourself.
  22. I was aware you were kidding, in fact I did literally laugh out loud at your comment. I don't expect there to be any kind of correlation, but it's still interesting nevertheless. I'm just saying we shouldn't put him off. I mean, if he gets a large enough sample he could even use it for his statistics coursework. That'd be an interesting read for his teacher.
  23. Simple, minimalistic, and every bit as abstract as the album itself. I love its colours, very subtle and understated, just like the music contained within.
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