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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. haha thanks a million, i must seriously be a dumb blonde to miss that one!
  2. theres sumthin i really like about your sig, kina of calming, with the pastelly colours and stuff the font on the bottom right could be slightly clearer but i do like it a lot 9/10 edit: to the coment below, its from a cartoon that piss takes coffee houses. Foamy doesnt like the leaflet he recieved, "how to order a starsmucks coffee", and tells the dude where to shove his propaganda, cause he just wants a simple hazlenut coffee, without all the jargon
  3. i passed out once fell onto my knees, hit my head off the wall, and burnt my hands off the heater. i could feel it all but it was in a really strange floating dream like state. i have had strange dreams where i feel like im just about to fall, and i sorta wake up and jump like im tryin to stop myself falling, strange :P
  4. i think it looks terrible like this.... no way of getin rid of the annoying tabs!
  5. blame offerman, sure its always his fault
  6. the only thing thats different (that i know of) is the changing the panel colour, and shared folders, and you can rename buddies but its a bit buggy and doesnt always do anything when you click it.
  7. got it last week yay its kinna crap tho not much changed :P
  8. how about no....you ever tried not gettin caught in that kind of position? and if you do its not so easy to get away with your trousers round your ankles.
  9. ohh bitchy :P i like yours jonst, simple but effective, and nice colours....9/10
  10. windows blinds slows my pc down a tad, but its not really noticeable unless ive got more than 6 or so programs open. (with 512mb ram) i had more problems with themexp, had to use a system restore point to save it.
  11. i can actually sleep better with the tv or music on, its more like a steady sound, rather than say someone waking you up by a sudden banging of a door in the middle of silence...perhaps.
  12. noo stop torturing me and tellin me whats gunna happppenn!!!!!! so cruel!
  13. well basically, catholics hate protestants and protestants hate catholics. Ive experienced quite a few attacks where i live...A policeman got his house petrol-bombed 3 doors down to me. There was a bank robbery not so long ago (over 30 million pounds) in belfast. Some people want to make Northern ireland & the south of Ireland joined together. Some people dont like the idea, some people do. Some of the paramilitary/terrorist groups have been disarming of late, which means there could be a possible chance of peace in north/south ireland.
  14. man that sounds like heaven on a plate!!!
  15. aww man how cool! had me in stitches! you guys rock
  16. basically all the political crap thats been happening in the last number of years. its always in the news
  17. i dont get it either mate. it must be the chavs and their mindless following of trends.
  18. i had yummy irish stew with crusty bread. i love my mum 10/10
  19. Thats like an orgasm for the eyes.
  20. wow thats a great way of summing that up, thats how all my dreams are :S
  21. I always have really strange dreams, totally out of this world. Ones that are more terrifying than anything, more terrifying than death, like i cant die, just go through excruciating pain, over and over, being chased, and that terrible feeling of not being fast enough and being caught. Then i wake up and i have paranoid thoughts that its real. My mental state scares me sometimes :S
  22. thats gunna go down like a ton of bricks! as moira said, how can you put your legally bought music on an mp3 player? an illegal hack maybe? booo down with Sony!
  23. yay this podcast rocks my socks, and what a cool accent dieter has!
  24. woah thats awesome dude!!
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