Is it possible for me to sign up to the "Always In" list but actually miss this first week? I know that's a bit odd but I'm keen to totally join the League again - but I'm busy this week.
The Xenoblade level looks gorgeous! Shulk looks great and different enough to the other sword characters but yeah... that level really sells the world too.
I would love them to get his British voice actor back but doubt it'll happen.
Is it just me or is there something still slightly wrong with Palutena? I feel like it's her colour saturation... she looks like a Brawl Assist Trophy rather than a character...
I doesn't really need an explanation because its Shelder thats the one evolving. Slowpoke doesn't change design really that much at all, the whole Slowpoke line is actually an alt-evolution line for Shelder.
My only problem is her boobs because they're genuinely impossible... she's wearing skin-tight material that somehow doesn't squish them in any way? It's VeeeeeeeEEEeeerrry male gaze.
Especially how they've changed her gun shooting pose so that we can get a good look of them (even though this means breaking her arm).
It just seems so out of place in the ensemble.
So yeah! It's now officially out! It's doing well but could always do with my spreading around etc.
We're not sure just yet what will be happening with Dead End - I really want to take it further but who knows! It might live on as a comic or something.
So I redesigned my redesign of Emma Frost
Also did Ant-man
The Fantastic Four