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Everything posted by xanikseo

  1. I can't see anything, I just get a pizza box.
  2. Anything up to £40 is acceptible. Any more then I'll have to think twice about buying games.
  3. There'll always be leaked information (whether it's true or not is another question), but apart from that I'm pretty sure Nintendo show some form of screen before February next year (I'm not betting tho).
  4. At first I wonted to get the XBox 360 first. But when I saw the Revo controller.... Nahh :wink:
  5. Won't the DS connect with the Revo anyway. It could be like the GBA-GC connection but wirelless, so the DS won't just connect for internet access.
  6. THE VIDEO IS CRAP! It's not funny. I never said it was gonna be funny. Just don't watch the crappy video.
  7. Very mean clip I have to agree. Slapstick humour, and let's just say the video clip is crap. Shouldn't have posted it in the first place. I regret it now. The PS3 is only really "bad" because it isn't original, so I don't know why the fanboy says he's gay. Probably is.
  8. EDIT BY xanikseo: Deleted link because the video was rubbish.
  9. errr. no. It'll probably be double-layer DVDs because Blu-Ray is copyrited by Sony. I think
  10. I think that if Nintendo do decide to have FP Zelda, it would not be the (how would you say this) "main" Zelda game for the Revo; like Four Swords Adventures was not as big a hit as Wind Waker. If they do FP Zelda it would probably be called "Link's Moves" or somat (not as crap a name though :P).
  11. It's quite funny when you think about showing it to Nintendo haters, and it sort of susses out their inabilty to understand that things move on.
  12. Adult Link is awesome and his attacks send people flying :yes:. When I use fox, I play better though, because it takes slightly longer for Link to react to what I press.
  13. SNES because it has the most classic games (mario donkey kong metroid blah blah..) N64 for the console with second the most classic games, and great controller GCN has the most fun multi-player games DS is the funnest handheld. Overall ......... :blink: ............ er... :eer: I think all of them are great :yes:.
  14. Prolly a useless character, but would be a good unlockable.
  15. They should make it a four hour film altogether, and play each half on a different day. Then they wouldn't cut out so much... There's a new director for film 5, but this has the same director that film 3 had. EDIT By Jordan: please don't double post in future, instead edit your posts.
  16. YEAY! A new Harry Potter trailer has been released! The forth one so far! You can see the first two trailers on www.gobletoffire.com, and here's the third one. I really wonna see this film! If you want to download the trailers (broadband): 1st 2nd 3rd 4th (Right-click and select "save target as")
  17. Playing a Star Wars or any flying game. The flying would be realistic and the aiming easier. Mario Kart twurling controller to turn. Rugby game where you have to move the controller before someone tackles you, and you can move really easily.
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