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Everything posted by xanikseo

  1. I really do hope Nintendo have officially announced that the controller will have GC-comparable addons (pardon me if they have already ).
  2. Having really good high quality graphical 3D games are all enjoyable because they increase the three-dimensional perspective of games. Having a 3D game controller does just that... So why bother with better graphics when it's good enough already? What we need is another way of viewing and controlling games.
  3. Lol that skills movie is ownage.
  4. I think they will use those elastic rubbery-plastic type wires. They're so durable, I have one of those thype things and I've done everything to try and break it, but it stays put...
  5. Precision type games where you have to hit a target, basically FPS.
  6. I think Nintendo will release more information on the Revo, maybe specs, maybe new features. As only the controller and console have been shown.
  7. A bit too much white: 2.5/5
  8. How can you make animated GIFs from movie files with GIMP 2.2.8?
  9. I have updated it. It has the Revo now, but I won't do anymore.
  10. Fits the colour scheme of your forum:
  11. You're one is quite funny and is animated. 4.5/5.
  12. Some computers have trial animation shops and animators on them without you knowing. Dell computers always have Jasc animation shop on, just search for it with the search tool.
  13. I made another one with Yoshi:
  14. I gave it another shot. This mario is a complete silhouette, there are two different versions:
  15. I can't see your images tie.nano. I only get "You can't link big pictures...".
  16. I feel like slapping some sense into the guy left-middle. The interviewer asks what the guy thinks about the Nintendo Revo controller and FPS and he just gets out the Xbox 360 controller and says, there's nothing wrong with it. OF COURSE THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT, BUT IS IT NEXT-GEN, IS IT NEW?! NO I DON'T THINK SO! IT'S BEHIND THE ****ING TIMES! And before that he says there'll be loads of gimmick crap on the Revo, because the games are gonna all be about the controller. He's got the wrong end of the stick. The whole point of the controll is that you'll improve the games there are, like FPS, so it's easier to controll. If there are games made because of the controller, who says they won't be fun. And he says graphics is utmost important, it isn't, the game has to be FUN! I don't care if there is only one big pixel on the screen as long as the game is fun. Nintendo is gonna release a controller type slot in anyway: This image is fake but the slot in type thing will look somat like this
  17. I started from scratch. I spent 10 mins making this one though. I think this looks a little bit less rough on the edges, and the iPod is held loosely in the hand. I'm not sure if this is better. Anyway this is what I got:
  18. 5 mins of work on MS Publisher: What d'you think?
  19. Nintendo will never die. Everyone I know that has a console has a GBA / SP! Even if the console market gets horrendous, there's nothing to worry about as Nintendo own 98% of the gaming market with portables (if I'm not wring). Nintendo will never die when they have portables out for sale. The GBA Micro beat the PSP in Japan! Nintendo have enough money to spare to make home-consoles, they'll only ever make profit. There's no point worrying about who's gonna buy what, aslong as Nintendo's portable market is strong. Just buy what you want, and stop complaining about Nintendo's home-console market if you are. Out of every 10 people I know in Germany that has a console, nine have a GameCube, Europe isn't that bad, it's the majority of the UK that hate Nintendo.
  20. I just noticed that there is no 'Z' button; just an 'R' button in the top right corner of the screen 30 minute video.
  21. Is it a kind of blur thing like this? If it is, how the hell is it 3D?
  22. Can someone put that image on imageschack etc for the people who can't see the image properly. I tried transloading but the image's filesize was too large.
  23. I like the way the music makes the video clip like a movie in a cinema. I added a 30 min game-play video for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
  24. ^^^ Here it is: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1531407845729616765&q=twilight+princess It's got lots of old screens and video clips, but otherwise I found it pretty cool. What do you guys think? EDIT: (30 mins game-play if you haven't seen it)
  25. Get in there Pit-JR, but you have to admit most people would say no to all of them.
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