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Everything posted by R1kk1

  1. Happy birthday dude. =]

  2. Call me dumb (STICKS AND STONES) but why was this such big news? O.o
  3. Back up! Back up like you've never backed up before!!!
  4. Haha! Best of luck guys! Don't get too drunk tonight. =]
  5. Yeah, Cat's. You heard. I don't abide to the rules. I BEND THEM.
  6. And Adult Fan Of Lego?

    Makes it sound like you build Lego Playboy Bunny Mansions and have little bunnies running over the house...




    BRB, cracking out the Lego.

  7. Don't mind me if I don't bow just just yet. I'm new and all. :3 Thanks, Happenstance!
  8. Ahh, the Stary-B's here is amazing. Shame I can never afford it... O.o

    I know where that is now. My house mate lives in MK, so she knew exactly what you were on about.

    Butlins isn't that bad, is it? Saying that, I've never been... =/

  9. Don't get me started. Cat's are definitely not my thang. I would, but I'm still getting the bathroom redecorated.
  10. Oh man! Chi is a great place though. I love it to bits.

    Where abouts is Bucks? O.o

  11. Damnit... Just when you think you've found a place you fit in... Will definitely check out the poetry/prose threads. And on a slightly related topic, where would one post reviews etc? I like writing them. :3
  12. Niiiice. You still live here, or not?

  13. It's the huge block of red that makes it look really bad... When you compare this to Brawl's cover or something, it's pretty lame. Saying that though, Mario Karts Cover didn't really leave any huge impressions.
  14. That's how I rollll. =] Thanks guys! Warmest welcomes <3
  15. It's from Season 3, Ep. 10: A Fish Out Of Water.


    Whilst, when I first heard it, it sounded quite cool, and sesnsible, Family Guy used it as a joke, so it makes me laugh a lil' bit. :3

  16. In your signature... O.o

    Well, it is used in Family Guy... :S

  17. I'm loving the Family Guy quote. ;)

  18. Tell me about it. It's my second year and I know that when I'm at the SU this Monday night, it might well be all eye candy and no morals... O.o You'll find me rocking slowly in the corner of the smoking area, softly humming "Kumbaya, my Lord... Kumbaya..."
  19. How the hell did I get in here then?! O.o Damn Derren Brown and his tomfoolery!
  20. Yeah?!? Just watch me! ... Could you... er... Direct me towards the door?
  21. Get off the internet for a while, at least for freshers week. You don't want to miss out on the friends making process, because it usually depends on the rest of the years enjoyment. A lot of the reasons people drop out is because they don't make friends, and then find it extremely hard to fit in later. Work hard, but play harder! Notice the 'Work hard' part of that. Remember why you went to Uni! you ain't paying £3000 a year to drink a lot. And seeing as the course you are doing is your choice, you should really enjoy it. This might be too late, but leave home. I don't think my first year of uni would have been even slightly the same if I had been at home. The Uni Student Union is always a great place to start, and they will more then likely be helping you along most of the steps. Any girls reading this, then watch out for Fresher-Prowlers, basically 2nd and 3rd years who are looking for poor, drunk Freshers. Most importantly, enjoy it. It'll be an experience you'll never forget. The tip about eating before going shopping is really good. So many times I go out and spend my money on crap because I'm hungry at the time, then when it comes to dinner a few days later, I don't have anything, despite the fact I spent £50 at LIDL.
  22. ] A virus... O.o What kind of virus?! (Got it working :3)
  23. Seriously? O.o I saw that but thought it was a fan-made box cover.
  24. Thanks, I was starting to urinate a little.
  25. Well if you have a PSP check out ToE. I loved it. Epic storyline. Whilst the battling is 2D, it still works just as well as the 3D console counterparts. Be careful though, as some earlier versions of the game are known to crash towards the last quarter or so.
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