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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I completely disagree. I don't see how charging everyone, regardless of whether they want to play online, an extra cost is fairer than only charging people who want online as an optional extra. Sure a person who plays two online games will get less out of it than someone who plays twenty, but that's far better than over charging everyone to meet the demands of a certain percentage of players.
  2. You must be trading in dozens of games if you can get a Switch + Zelda for 20 quid. £300 to trade in a Wii U and 3DS??
  3. I meant this thread to be for the smaller indie games like the one in my original post but fair enough, I can just rename this thread to TumbleSeed and we can start new game specific threads for all of them.
  4. Can of worms. Personally I don't think I've ever been this excited for a Nintendo console. February may be the shortest month but it'll probably feel like the longest!
  5. The bike maker doesn't have pay to maintain the park, so no. PCs don't make you pay for online because each game has its own server, there isn't one hardware manufacturer who has to look after the infrastructure for their entire range of games. Games are getting bigger and more complicated to develop every generation, yet the price of games has stayed the game since the very beginning. Count yourself lucky there. Paying £1-2 a month to help fund Nintendo's online and paying £3-4 a month for PS Plus in exchange for online and a few free games is fine by me. Wanting things for free is absolutely gamer entitlement and it's one of the biggest problems with this industry, IMO. So charge everyone extra money even those people who have no intention of using online? You honestly think that's better?
  6. I did it because I thought they would get more exposure and chat on here this way. TumbleSeed, Fast RMX Has Been Heroes don't have threads for instance, yet two of them are out next month. I've already said indie games are some of my favourite games of the last decade, not counting Nintendo first party so it certainly wasn't my intention to belittle them.
  7. Some of my favourite games of the last few years have been from indie devs. Shovel Knight, Steamworld Dig/Heist, Stealth Inc 2, Affordable Space Adventures, Severed, Enter the Gungeon, Darkest Dungeon, Abzu, Firewatch, Inside. They're a much needed breath of fresh air to the industry.
  8. Every day there seems to be a new indie game announced for the Switch so I figured this would be a good place to group some of the "smaller" titles together (though obv feel free to start standalone threads should you so choose). Thought I'd start off with this game just announced coming to Switch in Spring: TumbleSeed Looks great!
  9. I meant the bugs were smaller and less noticeable to the individual user back then, not that they were less publicly known.
  10. Absolutely. My point was that you can't compare compare reaction to bugs back then which (generally speaking) a small fraction of people would encounter, versus the more wide-spread ones of today.
  11. I think people complain because the bugs are far more obvious and occasionally game-breaking from the off. eg: Drive Club, Batman Arkham Knight on PC, Watch Dogs 2 online etc
  12. You said games are getting more expensive. I argue 1. no they're not, unless you want the optional DLC and 2. games have far more content than 20 years ago. I'm actually surprised the price of games hasn't gone up in all this time. So yeah, £2 a month for online is fine by me. These things aren't cheap for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft to implement.
  13. So you're saying Perfect Dark has more replayability than modern games? If the high price was fine back then, why isn't it fine now?
  14. Sure but I couldn't understand the argument that it's fine to waste 60 euros on a hypothetical game he doesn't like, because he didn't spend an extra 2-4 euros on the online? Especially considering the online cost isn't per game, it's a shared cost for all games.
  15. This argument makes absolutely no sense. Gaming is getting more expensive because games are getting more expensive to make. Unless of course you think Witcher 3 cost as much to make as Wrecking Crew on the NES. I'm surprised the average cost of games hasn't gone up more to be honest. We were still paying £45ish for N64 games, if not more.
  16. You can't understand that servers and online infrastructure cost Nintendo money to implement?
  17. Online servers and infrastructure cost money to implement. You get lots of free games with PS4 and XBO and this Nintendo one is much cheaper with a (online ready) VC game or two thrown in. Complaining about paying for online is just typical gamer entitlement, wanting and expecting the world for nothing. It's literally less than £2 per month, which is less than half the price of an NES VC game, that you get for free anyway.
  18. Very good price for online. Basically £2 or less a month. A powerful handheld like the Switch for 1st party Nintendo games, a few 3rd party exclusives and a ton of quality indie games? Yes please. Fast RMX update... - Almost doubles the content in FAST Racing Neo - Added a lot of new visual effects - Many general improvements - Rebuilt from the ground up - Customize controls, event in multiplayer - 1080p, 60 fps when docked, even when in 4-player multiplayer - 8-player online and local multiplayer - All control option supported - All players need a copy of the game for local multiplayer - HD Rumble supported, feel the position of which another racer hit you or you hit something - No specific plans for DLC right now The HD Rumble thing sounds great if it works well, could be a perfect fit for racing games.
  19. Nintendo are going all out, they're actually doing a Superbowl ad in the US... (Pause at 0:04 and have a look what book he's reading) Extended version is even better, if a tad too reliant on kids and 1, 2 Switch
  20. That ad actually sold me a bit more on 1,2 Switch. It's the first time it's actually looked appealing. Do we look back and call shoulder buttons, analog sticks, rumble, analog triggers, a speaker, a gyroscope et al unnecessary and wonder why Nintendo put them in their controllers? I think too much is being made of HD rumble. It's a better version of rumble that Nintendo introduced twenty years ago.
  21. The mobile app is making more sense the more I think about it. The Switch doesn't have any sim card for data use, meaning voice chat outdoors isn't possible unless there's wifi around. With the mobile app it'll be possible anywhere. I know only a small percentage of people will want to use voice chat outdoors and I'm not making excuses for them, but I can see the argument for why a mobile app in a wifi-only handheld is needed. *awaits onslaught*
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