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About markderoos

  • Birthday 04/17/1981

Personal Information

  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Work - Human Resource Manager


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Game & Watch - Zelda, NES, Gameboy, SNES, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Light, GBC, N64, GBA, GBA SP, Gameboy Micro, Gamecube, DS, DS Lite, DS XL, DSi, DSi XL, Wii, Wii Mini, Wii U, NES Mini, SNES Mini, 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 2DS XL, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, Switch, Switch Lite, Switch OLED
  • Other Systems Owned
    SEGA Megadrive, Google Stadia
  • Favourite Game?
    Little King's Story
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

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  1. Anyone watching this year?
  2. Happy birthday!

    1. markderoos


      Thanks man, much appreciated! šŸ‘

  3. And weā€™re 100% again šŸ’ŖšŸ»
  4. Ok, editing through an iPhone is extremely borked šŸ˜… Just wanted to tell how absolutely right @Glen-i is. ā€˜Living Dexā€™ is the way!
  5. And Dry Bowser is already playable right?
  6. I think Diddy and Pauline are the safest bets. But ofcourse it should be Wart, everybody agrees with that. Even if they donā€™t. From your list Iā€™d be happy with most of these. Just a bit less happy with Pauline, Dixie, Funky, Captain Toad, Paratroopa, Hammer Bro and Luigiā€™s Mansion King Boo (the Double Dash King Boo is better!)
  7. Well, Iā€™m getting matched with players who use Primeape, Sylveon, etc. So no luck yet after my first three tries. It doesnā€™t help that it has Ice Beam and uses it a LOT, but stillI havenā€™t fainted yet. Biggest problem again is the players who Iā€™ve been matched with. They constantly faint, do zero damage and I donā€™t have enough moves to get it down on my own. EDIT: nevermind, got it
  8. Anyone planning on doing the Greninja 7star tera raids this weekend? Itā€™s the first generation in which Iā€™m actually tip toeing into competitive breeding/training so Iā€™m looking for people to join the raid that are at least a bit better than the randoms I usually get coupled with Iā€™ve bred a 5 perfect IV and fully EV trained Clodsire, Water Absorb, Leftovers. Ground Tera Type. First move will be yawn, then second move Curse. Earthquacke and Recover for the rest of the battle.
  9. I think it is, but then again I actually do like this game
  10. Hi all, anyone know an easy way to create a list of all first party digital exclusives on Wii U and/or 3DS? Easiest would be a link to an article/list but my own Google skills werenā€™t good enough to find what Iā€™m looking forā€¦
  11. Ok so how do I actually
  12. Almost done with this game.
  13. Hey guys, so Iā€™ve beaten Cynthia last Saturday and now completed the National Dex, except forā€¦. Drifloon. Seems I somehow missed a trainer battle in Hearthome Gym and have to wait ā€˜till Friday for Drifloon to re-appear. Anyone care to trade me one? EDIT: have one!
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