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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. How'd you like to stick your Palkia in my Cloyster? *gets his coat*
  2. Not to mention all the girls..."Is that a Sudowoodo in your pocket or are you just glad to see me" to go further into the bad pun :p
  3. Well its packaged in like the wireless adaptor was for FRLG so its likely it will
  4. Here's a picture Its a lot like the Pocket Pikachu 2 back when the original GS came out...but this time it's actually good
  5. HeartGold & SoulSilver are to be bundled with PokéWalk. This is a pedometer which allows you to transfer a Pokémon over to it to level up while you walk. it also has minigames where you can find items
  6. Just because the option is there doesn't mean the game is casually focused...it makes it more accessible, but its still going to be for the core. And no it doesn't detract from the game.. Every set of impressions say it is a joy to play and good fun without sacrificing the core Super Mario Bros gameplay...thats what this game is...moaning it doesnt have online is like moaning Mario Kart doesn't have platforming levels...the game wasnt designed for it
  7. Regardless, it doesn't detract from the quality of the game
  8. Multiplayer is NOT online though. Nintendo has always had the philosophy of people playing with eachother IN THE SAME ROOM
  9. Just been reading the comments on Joystiq...people are really going mental...they're not seeing the game, just the lack of online and are condemning Nintendo for it There really is no pleasing people...give them nothing, they moan...give them what they want...they moan
  10. Ah, but they're assuming...aside from the premise, for all we know its not the same
  11. I don't see why people are moaning at the existence of this, as good as they are, the games like StarFox and F-Zero don't really sell all that well. Mario games do, and to top that off, they're always awesome.
  12. You guys should probably read this...its hilarious http://www.gamesradar.com/f/e3-09-mario-galaxy-2-sums-up-nintendos-wrongs/a-20090603171059656098
  13. I think the game freezing is intentional...theres always been a slight stop when you get hit...its just more noticiable when there's more players on screen
  14. No it isn't very likely. The DS version has different levels. This is a Wii game only and will only be a Wii game
  15. I liked the NSMB style. Many people liked the NSMB style.
  16. I can say its good. I also say its a different style. The graphics are nice, colourful, crisp and very Mario.
  17. How are the graphics poor?
  18. Don't forget plane flying
  19. The Single Player is as long as the multiplayer as they're the same levels
  20. The Wii is fully capable of that kind of gameplay
  21. Seems to be £20 a pop
  22. The Bow and Arrow Demo was pretty much exactly the same as how it was done 2 hours before in the Wii Sports Resort demo though...apart from the Sony one made the bow horizontal
  23. Ah, but thats only for the IR features not for the 1:1 on Wii Motion Plus. While this one has motion sensing technology in it, they said in the conference that it has to be seen.
  24. The problem with this is that you're going to have to constantly be in view of the PSEye for it to work
  25. Hardly...Motion Plus can do this just as easily
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