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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. The Doctor didnt just say goodbye to them, he saved their lives (except for Rose and I guess Joan's great granddaughter) Martha & Mickey were about to be slaughtered by Sontarans Luke was going to get hit by a car which would have also destroyed Sarah Jane emotionally Jack was still visibly upset and drowning his sorrows after needing to kill his grandson and the Doctor injected some joy back into him (or should I say Alonso did) He saved Donna from a life of misery without being able to make ends meet so well That makes it even more touching, and in my view it didn't drag on
  2. And, need I add, you're feeling pretty much the same thing people were when Tennant joined. Give him a chance
  3. I figured that the lady was the Doctor's mother...that makes more sense than her being Donna or Romana
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/newyear/ Preview of Season 5
  5. Wow, I didn't expect opinions to differ so much with this one
  6. Wow, that episode was amazing. There was not one bit I didn't like
  7. Bah, all my friends have pulled out of New Years Celebrations Sucks
  8. Well they explained the interior change as "Desktop Settings" in Time Crash
  9. It probably wont literally explode and you can guarantee it wouldnt be instant else she wouldnt have been able to have the knowledge in Journey's End
  10. I don't think the Time Lords are necessarily back My theory is this bit is the final bit of the Time War and we may see Paul McGann do his bit of killing everyone off but 10 does something to help it happen causing him to regenerate meaning the final act of the Time War caused him to regenerate twice
  11. Yeah Dante, I had the same with my one of my family, they were talking about the ugliness of the ood and just talked over it a fair bit, think that hampered my enjoyment somewhat Everyone else in my family loves doctor who though
  12. I have the gut feeling that the time lords are going to be the bad guys, they may not even be time lords
  13. That was a great ep. Not brilliant but great. Just felt like it was just a bit focused on set up for the next one Although the ending was great
  14. Gee, that sure sounds familiar
  15. Just finished watching through all Doctor Who (Modern) this month (one with breakfast, one at lunch and one before bed). From Rose to Waters of Mars (including Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith). Am mega psyched for Christmas now
  16. It's Bowser's castle from New Super Mario Bros
  17. That.Is.AWESOME I was not expecting a Layton reference haha
  18. Thing is, next year everyone will be setting one up. Divided focus meaning X Factor 2010 will win thus making your protest useless
  19. Why did it have to be under the Rage banner and not the banner of say, a great and classic Christmas Song? Something everyone knows and likes.
  20. I can still complain now that this proves that sheep mentality works. The Daily Mail owners are punching the air
  21. Well 2004 we had one trying to guilt us into thinking of starving children in Africa while we stuff our face with Christmas food. So, next year's Christmas #1 Campaign; I Believe in Father Christmas by Greg Lake I'll make it happen :P
  22. Well whatever :p It's not christmassy Well, it may be christmassy, depends on your family :P
  23. So, instead of being sheep and getting X Factor Stuff, the sheep went to the Rage route and succeeded. It really isn't that fair though as many people bought multiple instances of Rage (at least from what I can tell, I know lots of people I have on my facebook bought at least 3. The mentality behind this entire thing has made me laugh so much. "Lets not be sheep, lets all do this instead" Personally, I'm going to listen to Christmassy stuff and not cacky death metal
  24. Well the motion stuff would be buggered if they gave that option :p You could always plug in the nunchuck
  25. Serebii


    It snowed here too Here In Bournemouth In December It is unheard of Global Warming my arse
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