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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Plus since the game's out in 3 months, the front end WOULD be done, it would be at the final testing stages now
  2. Hub world has a Yoshi's Egg too
  3. Plus, it has a wheel so we can take it to mean that this planet is a rogue and you use it to navigate between systems
  4. Ah No, it has a hub world. This is just like a navigation map Look at the Mario head, if that's not a hub world, I don't know what is
  5. There's something about the music for Mario Galaxy. It's so awesome. I'm also getting a Lost Levels feel. It certainly looks trickier
  6. If NGamer saw the bit with the Speedy Yoshi beforehand somehow, you can understand their gag about Sonic being in it
  7. I believe a "World" is the equivilant to an Observatory. However, I don't see how it is any more linear than the first game, it just seems to lack a Hub world
  8. I very much doubt it We're likely to get new info about the Gen V Pokémon next month, but don't expect anything on the games until like June
  9. The info is intriguing and sort of Super Paper Marioish. 2D gameplay, switch to 3D in an instant Give me a decent save system and Day 1 purchase. If not, then tough luck
  10. You don't get how these things work. This was just covering the next few months. E3 will likely have major stuff (Although don't hold your breath for Pokémon Gen V)
  11. These pictures just make me wish it were in HD so it could look even better on my TV, not that it looks bad at all, but still, after seeing Mario Galaxy rendered in HD I want this
  12. New definition for "World" Hmm
  13. MEGATON! God it's been a while since I've said that :p
  14. Mordin is the very model of a scientist salarian
  15. Or it means the vice president of sales & marketing is going to talk about sales and marketing
  16. Has been confirmed to return April 3rd according to a slightly modified trailer thats been aired on TV
  17. Well it isn't like it isn't in a magazine for the whole nation to see :p
  18. Well that's not really accurate. Wailmer is 6'07" tall so it should be bigger than Ash :p
  19. Here I was, worried I wouldn't like Doctor Who as much and already they've inspired confidence in me
  20. Looks somewhat like a Silurian to me
  21. I've heard tales of the launch date for the series being March 27th. Looking forward to it
  22. That article was flawed. I pointed it out in their comments and they just went and deleted my comment and slightly edited their article
  23. Couple more new Joe pics, they're pretty terrible, haven't been photogenic as of late
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