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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Another example of religion winning over Joe. Pokémon Typing DS comes out on Thursday next week. Getting next day delivery for it which usually means I'd get it Friday (bad enough, I normally order from these guys as they ship for delivery on launch but not this time as their shipments are now once a week due to the situation in Japan), HOWEVER, Friday next week is Good Friday, a public holiday which UPS observes. Had to get extra shipping; Saturday to do it else I wouldnt get it til Tuesday. It's ridiculous. Thank god nobody else will cover this game
  2. The Eevee evolution download hasn't begun yet
  3. If it's like the Japanese one, you can hook a Black and a White to the same account
  4. Their recent checks are probably "Let's go into the store...oh, they have units? FAIL"
  5. Global Link site just updated stating April 13th as the date for release
  6. Saw some PBR shots on it and it looked awesome
  7. Talking the issue after that one. 116 & 117 And no it's nothing like that :P I'm saying it on a more selfish note
  8. Na, we just missed the centre of the frame
  9. Weird photo display night had a special photo booth. Four seconds to change props...I got cut out of one since we were off centre
  10. Be sure to buy the next two issues
  11. My friends at the Pokemon World magazine have been doing something similar for ages :P
  12. Because Japan got hit by another EQ which severed their external powerlines
  13. To be fair, Japan has been hammered by quakes every day for the last month. This quake is just slightly bigger.
  14. Still, it's detrimental to Nintendo and could cost Nintendo dearly which will have an effect on us
  15. What happened to returns not being affected by your "statuatory rights" Things should only be returned if defective
  16. Nintendo really need to. It is defamation of their good image. Problem is, the damage is done. Even if they print a retraction, it's not going to be read by most. They wont print a retraction though, The Sun are actually believing their own shit. They make me worry about journalism in the future. There goes my career
  17. Ah, now that it does say.
  18. With the logic you're getting at though, the 3D would HAVE to be on, not an optional feature
  19. Well it doesn't say try before you buy persay However, Nintendo have been going hard on the marketing asking you to try
  20. Yeah it does detail the 3D effect in detail including what not to do, when not to use it and so forth, then referring to the operating manual for further details
  21. But still, it stands in Nintendo's favour regardless of what The Sun thinks. Nintendo makes the 3D optionality clear and indicates it's playable without it. As such, the reason of purchase is irrelevant
  22. http://www.mcvuk.com/news/43852/The-Sun-stands-by-its-3DS-claims The Sun are standing by their claims, saying they're legit and they're not vendettaing
  23. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/3511602/Sun-tests-sickly-Nintendo-3DS.html It continues...
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