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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. It only changes when in your party. If it's in your party when you next boot the game up, it should change
  2. Seems they were forwarding the story. This can be very detrimental to Nintendo if a retraction isn't posted
  3. Apparently, the "thousands of returns" story has hit TV news
  4. I do have one gripe
  5. This week's episode was great and not just because of the guest stars
  6. The show does look amazing now though, give it another chance... I dare you!
  7. The Sun and other tabloids are starting to enrage me. I can withstand idiocy and poor journalism to a point, but they're starting to anger me to no end. The commenters on The Sun article are just moronic. I fear for the human race.
  8. Not yet, I'd imagine soon. The official site said Spring when they opened up the evilness of that game
  9. They stop working after the hit 100 EVs A primer on EVs http://www.serebii.net/games/evs.shtml
  10. That'll spur sales of the 3DS considerably over in Japan
  11. Best get Black & White. Grey or whatever the third version is is around 2 years away
  12. Blatant advertising but I figure some of you may find it interesting; http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/bgmusic.shtml
  13. I got my first today, not from GAME but from some randomer in town. It is a bit worrying if it is intermittent
  14. Thing is, 3D on things like the 3DS and even TVs does not allow for things to pop out of the screen easily, but more to give depth. In movies in the cinema, you can get that illusion because there aren't really set boundaries fro you to view in. With the 3DS and TVs however, there are more defined boundaries and as such, your brain doesn't allow it
  15. Bingo April 22nd for Europe. April 10th for America. The next event is a good one, can't tell you now but still
  16. I'd still have kept it, the 3D is a selling point yes, but it's still a massive new console and all future Nintendo handheld games shall be out on it. Anyway, figures from the UK have come out and should ease worry. Fastest selling Nintendo console in the UK with 113,000 units sold opening weekend http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/25246/3ds-is-uks-fastest-selling-nintendo-console/
  17. It's against an actual human
  18. I do not approve!
  19. I did notice I didn't remove it from a Pokemon but I then found it in my bag Go to the Treasure Hunter in Route 13, save next to him and keep resetting til you get another
  20. Next month I believe Full details aren't yet given so it's hard to say but only Unova Pokemon and they're Double Battles
  21. Exactly. That's just what I said to a few friends earlier.
  22. They're double the previous week's... Didn't see any doomsaying for the PSP last week.
  23. I'd use facts rather than conjecture. I'd remove any bias and positive nor negative slant and provide the core details.
  24. The articles are all mentioning US launch though because they just listed "record breaking" and no details That's ridiculous. There was a Final Fantasy launch on PSP and that always boosts it
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