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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Guess who is going to the Doctor Who Experience in London tomorrow
  2. Na, bought it. If I made it myself, it'd be a square bit of cardboard
  3. Seems Revolution, the SG1 movie, would have dealt with the revelation of the Stargate to the general public http://www.gateworld.net/news/2011/05/sg-1-movie-would-have-revealed-the-stargate/
  4. Masquerade party last night for a friend's 21st
  5. I dunno, I've never really been a fan of the old control rooms. I loved seeing the recent one again
  6. Anyone else hear the tardis say "I love you" as she disappeared back into the machine? Loved the ep though
  7. The Eevee Evolutions earned on that horrible flash game on the official site last month are going to be available to download from the Global Link on Thursday
  8. If only there was a conference held in which companies showcased the games they intend to release in the up and coming months. Ah well, a guy can dream
  9. You're still forgetting factors such as manufacturing, marketing and so forth. With the IOS games, you can see that it's low tech. Why should we sacrifice game quality just to save money You must also remember that not everyone has played the game. It's a 13 year old game afterall.
  10. Things don't need to change. The prices are that low for the varios IOS games because of low development costs, no marketing and no production. If you want high quality full games on handhelds or consoles, you pay for it. If you want generic dross made by a greasey guy in an attic, then you pay less for it
  11. I never supported minigame collections. I've always been of the belief that they're the reason core games never do will on the Wii, they drown it out. However, Apple have been destroying things by releasing shit at low prices causing people such as yourself to bitch when a proper game is out at a proper price. Yes, this is a remake. So what? It's a remake, not a port. It has extras, some of which we don't know about (why on earth would they reveal everything before launch? Seriously). Just because you have played it before does not mean it's suddenly not worth the money. Remake. Not port.
  12. Do not compare games to app store games. 90% of app store games are just small minigames to kill time. They aren't full-fledged games. Apple is destroying the games industry.
  13. I'm not saying that either. I liked SGU, nowhere near as much as SG1, but I still liked it. However, the hand it was dealt by SyFy made it have to fight an even more uphill battle
  14. Notice they didn't mention the move of SGU from Stargate's usual summer start where networks aren't showing all their best stuff, to the times when they are...
  15. You're using the term disastrous a bit loosely. Not including a message service is not disastrous. Wait until E3 and Nintendo's conference, then start bitching
  16. http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/05/12/star_fox_64_3ds_details/ No online
  17. I consider it an open-ended cliffhanger, yes. However, I was thinking it'd be an evil one like say the cliffhanger of the SG1 episode Camelot
  18. Got round to seeing it. While it's a bloody annoying thing that it's cancelled, I do think the final episode, even though it didn't have an absolute resolution, did bring the series to a full circle so to speak. I was half expecting it to end on an cliffhanger
  19. We have no idea of the time in which passed between the TARDIS leaving and the scene of the pirates on the ship towards the binary star. As for pirates, as they said in the episode, a ship is a ship. As for Amy doing the CPR and not the Doctor, Rory said he wanted Amy to do it and not the Doctor, that Amy would never give up
  20. Haven't watched the ep yet, waiting for my brother but SyFy is just being foolish
  21. I don't believe that's the full extent of it
  22. Yeah it is. It looks really ood
  23. You do realise that Doctor Who isn't a comedy, right?
  24. Season 3 is amazing
  25. I agree. I sometimes pop onto a DW forum and god, the bitching when they don't get exactly what they want... Sometimes it seems people watch it JUST to bitch
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