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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. If you can't handle a show which plays with time travel...why are you watching one? They've said countless times, even in the RTD era, that time can be rewritten. With the logic you're stating here, they can't introduce anything new without the "Why didn't we know that before?" complaint
  2. The Silence did say that Amy is vital to the plans and that she had been there for days. Logically, they could impregnated her, possibly with The Doctor's DNA and there's something like a perception filter messing with the scan
  3. I think Amy's line about the Time Vortex changing it could be more than a throwaway line and be exactly what happened. Loved the ep. Loved how The Doctor is the whole cause of Watergate by telling Nixon to record everything that happens in the oval office.
  4. I'm fairly certain Nintendo would destroy me if I did that
  5. Erm, the money the site makes goes back into the site in regards to server costs. Please do not mistake my site for being a cash cow. The money I have is due to my freelance work. It varies drastically. When BW was just out, it was about 800,000 on weekdays and over 1,000,000 on weekends. Beforehand it was around 300,000 on weekdays and 400,000 on weekends. At the moment, it's around 450,000 on weekdays and 600,000 on weekends. It'll shoot back up during the summer.
  6. They spend it all in the Game Corner and fund Team Rocket
  7. In some countries though, that is the case. Some DO have you getting less after you reach a new taxband
  8. See, journalism sucks these days. They take two things and make a very specious argument
  9. Was waiting for that post :p I promised myself I'd shut up when it came to that
  10. Well here, the 40% tax band is at a very low level. This is what I don't approve of. If it was at say £80,000 then fine, but at £35,000 (having been lowered from £37,500), no.
  11. Don't have enough to invest in property lol
  12. I just wish the system was fairer. I know that these high tax bands are necessary but they're evil :p
  13. I've had a good year...I'm just not used to it so please let me vent :p
  14. I miss communism ;; Seriously though, I know I'm really not in a position to complain, but it's still ridiculous
  15. Dear god, these journalists grind my gears. This isn't journalism at all.
  16. Yeah but it means that I don't get a significant chunk of what I rightfully earned. I'm not happy about higher bands existing. Why should people be penalised for being successful? There should be one tax band, lets say 25% of everything over £7,000 and be done with it. They'd still get more money from the more well-off people.
  17. Cave Sketcher. It's going to be all the rage soon.
  18. You have NO idea. I'm leaving it til last minute so I can get as much interest off of this as I can
  19. Seems The Sun decided to reprint this again http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/fun/gadget/3548167/Sun-tests-sickly-Nintendo-3DS.html
  20. Just worked out how much tax I have to pay...
  21. Trust me, these are the best games..
  22. If you type Pikachuu, it'll still give you the points. It's very adaptive. Take Petilil. If you type in Churine or Tyurine, it works. Question is if it's coming here. I'm trying to find out, may be best to hold off importing to we know for sure.
  23. Noticing a distinct lack of fanfare for this game. It's actually quite fun
  24. No. They made it so items are removed. It's in an effort to rebalance
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