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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. It did say you can increase that though. I missed how
  2. Basically Toad Rally against your friends but without it counting to your total
  3. New feature added: Friendly Runs
  4. You do realise that the ones bitching are ones that wouldn't spend a single penny on it, right? I think you need to learn how the mobile gaming industry works
  5. Let's not forget that Nintendo's strategy for mobile is also at odds with investors etc., and apparently Sheikah Investors want a quick turnaround. Nintendo are using their mobile stuff to leverage people into their dedicated devices. As such, it's not designed to "nickel & dime" people.
  6. Pokémon GO is the epitome of the mobile game I was talking about. What are you on about? I know a lot more than you care to admit. Just because I challenge your preconceived notions does not mean I'm wrong and you're right. Accept you're wrong once in a while. Share price is not a valid indicator of anything in regards to gaming. Sony's shares dropped after the PS4 was revealed, for example. Investors know nothing and they are fickle as hell. A momentary drop is expected. We've known the price for a while so equating the drop to the price is illogical. Stop using stock price as an indicator of things, that's not how it goes. Stop being Pachter.
  7. Got confirmed for Switch on Nintendo Japan's website yesterday
  8. Oh come the hell on. You know that investors are the most twitchy people. Share price means nothing. After the Switch reveal, it dropped. After every reveal in this industry that isn't "Look, we're mobile now and we're going to fleece people" has stocks drop. Don't be an idiot. Using share prices as evidence of if something is a good or bad decision is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this forum. Anyway, on a less ridiculous note, there are special limited Kingdom Decorations live for Christmas
  9. To be fair, there is a difference. Pokémon GO is drastically different from Pokémon main games. Super Mario Run isn't that different
  10. It still can do the same
  11. WE DEMAND FREE STUFF Sigh. Iwata was right
  12. Enhanced versions typically do around half of what the initial ones did though, even if there are two enhanced versions (i.e. Black 2 & White 2)
  13. Yeah, how dare they not endorse piracy etc
  14. It'll be up around 6pm
  15. Mate, you've forgotten how to play games as you have got older...
  16. Article headline: Super Mario Run launches on iPhone and iPad today - but Nintendo's newest classic will cost you Iwata was right. Mobile has devalued the industry. People expect everything for free.
  17. Most of the time, you'll want to have it boost the Pokémon's most dominant stat, but it varies depending on how you want to run it. It does make a bit of a difference but it's not a huge one
  18. Why do I want this?
  19. Ah but
  20. Come now, with that logic we should just ignore everything any developer says until the game is in our hands... ...actually based on the vast amount of broken promises that might not be a bad idea
  21. 28 + all in their evolution lines
  22. No I'm not. I'm using Island Scan Pokémon :p
  23. I'm willing to wait for the Switch one personally
  24. Canned for Wii U http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-12-13-yooka-laylee-cancelled-for-wii-u-due-to-unforeseen-technical-issues Confirmed for Switch http://www.playtonicgames.com/yooka-laylee-reptile-rolls-towards-release/
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