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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. People need to remember, going in, that Nintendo isn't just going to be putting out a PS4/PS4/Scorpio equivalent. It's going to be different. It's going to be quirky.
  2. 40 minutes. Hype! And thus begins the N-Europe Un-Civil War :p
  3. Can't wait to see this new Nintendo Gamecube Peripheral
  4. Most of the ones listed are third party, but yeah I concede :p Still, after saying new system twice and new console once, any media outlet with any sort of integrity/skill shouldn't have made that mistake
  5. Of course they'd say codenamed NX since it's not the actual name. Plus they announced this as a preview trailer, hence why it's 3 minutes
  6. How many of those Wii peripherals were Nintendo? Like three.
  7. Yet despite him calling it the new Nintendo system right at the start, people were all "hurr it's a peripheral?"
  8. Same :/ Hopefully they date the next reveal after this one
  9. Don't the heads of Rockstar hate Nintendo?
  10. Well yeah. Kimishima confirmed that ages ago
  11. I imagine the main reveal won't be too far away though. In the next two weeks.
  12. Ah good, as the week was going on I was fearing that I had been trolled again and was ready to backhand someone Hype hype
  13. Not true. AFAIR, the Q2 releases seldom have briefings.
  14. No. Just the demo
  15. What was wrong with the camera?
  16. Auto whenever you do anything of note
  17. Thing is, they did scrub it. Me and my data mining friends were so impressed with how well they scrubbed the text, base stats, moves etc. Then they found the pictures
  18. Some sources say it broke a million units, but I couldonly find that on VGChartz so take from that what you will
  19. As has been Pokémon GO, Super Mario Run and even talk of NX
  20. I think you've fallen for your own echo chamber thing here. Haven't all sales statistics indicated that VR has fallen rather flat? Not bad, but not amazing at all.
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