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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. No. It's Nintendo making people realise "look, you can play games on the go that don't suck ass"
  2. Interesting, Famitsu asked Nintendo about backwards compatibility. Nintendo replied by saying Wii U game discs and Nintendo 3DS game cards could not be used on the Switch. It's interesting that they specified the physical media only.
  3. Indeed. I am curious as to how they're going to go about this
  4. That's true. A 128GB SD card can only take up like 3 patches for PS4/XBO games.
  5. Oh I agree there are ways around it, but having a built in HDD into the Switch device is a bad idea and a built in SSD would be horrific. Having it expandable like the Wii U and 3DS is clearly the way forward.
  6. But I'm being clickbaity
  7. Whether it's like Mario 64, Galaxy or 3D World, it doesn't matter to me. They're all fantastic games
  8. Didn't know where to put this but A new merchandise line is coming to Japan on October 29th is called "Mario Pikachu" Lots of merchandise is being released including these badboys Also TCG merch, Hanafuda cards, standard playing cards and T-Shirts http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2016/10/161021_p01.html?i0010=news
  9. Stocks always drop after announcements that aren't "OMG WE MOBILE NOW BITCHES" in this industry. The fact places like FT and WSJ report this makes me question a lot of what they're trying to accomplish Based on Wii, 3DS and Wii U, I think you don't need to worry here. It'll probably allow up to 128GB SD cards. Obviously as it's a portable, it can't have a HDD, and SSDs would jack up the price like crazy so don't expect more than 64GB of onboard memory
  10. Maybe. But the stuff from Laura Dale & Emily Rogers indicates it is a touch screen, and they got everything right thus far so no reason to doubt it'll be touch screen
  11. I'm not used to seeing such positivity here. I'm scared :p
  12. Yeah but this will be portable :p
  13. Skyrim Remastered is coming out soon. Let's not give in to hyperbole.
  14. If they do a handheld only version, I expect it to be smaller (4.5" or something), and there to be a dock on sale for it. They have to have a smaller entry level one else that's going to seriously dent Pokémon
  15. Iwata iterated about multiple form factors of the NX. It is my belief that we'll get a smaller, portable only version of the Switch that is cheaper for the consumer, and a good entry level device for kids.
  16. Na I don't see that. Pokkén is an entirely different beast. The current engine works fine and the models are the right quality required for HD gaming. Just bump up the textures. I don't think the overworld will change that much. It'd be like it is in Sun & Moon, which is a full 3D overworld, but not an open world
  17. I will miss dual screens and clamshell design. I still maintain it's best for handhelds
  18. Just upping the resolution makes them look nice. They won't be like huge 3D overworlds like Breath of the Wild. Game Freak are unlikely to do that Think those but with better textures. The Pokémon models are ridiculously detailed as is, so it's just the overworld and battle backgrounds that reuire work
  19. Na they won't jump mid-gen. The Switch is like the glass half full/empty think. Is it a portable that can connect to the TV or a home console that can be taken on the go. So that I win the argument, I'm going with the former :p
  20. Rumour from Emily Rogers who has got everything bang on so far is that it is a touch screen and multitouch
  21. Wait, so are we all actually happy???
  22. Portable device. A portable device with optical media is just liable to break on the first speedbump you go over
  23. List of third party developers that are on board
  24. Mother fucker. It has a Bethesda game. WE HAVE SKYRIM ON SWITCH
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