Sony & Microsoft could because they're huge media conglomerates, so they could take the hit on their devices. Hell, that's part of why many Microsoft execs have been pushing to drop the Xbox brand in years past, because all it did was drain finances, it didn't add profit until what, 2009? Even then it hasn't made up for the loss it took. Same with the huge loss of the PS3. It's not a viable business strategy.
Nintendo on the other hand are pure games. They are now expanding, but they still cannot take a huge hit if they can't offset it somehow, and with the NX not being a guaranteed success, they wouldn't be able to entirely offset it with third party licensing and they're not likely to charge for online either
People criticised Nintendo's first financial loss, but they didn't take into account that the majority of the loss was because the 3DS took off and sold 11 million units in that financial year at a significant loss. That loss was because the 3DS was finally a success, not because it had floundered. Despite Nintendo's bad times the last two years, they've even been able to make a profit, which shows that Nintendo know what they're doing.
It's not ideal, but it's probable that the NX may be a little bit "overpriced" so they can actually make a profit, and it just be a moderate success, and that's fine...things don't need to break records.