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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Excuse me? I'm not the one who is starting arguments here... Just because I don't agree with the "zomg Nintendo sucks" sentiment that has become so rampant on this forum does not make me a troll.
  2. I liked them too, and they got tricky with the extra ones with the view shifts, but they are still 2D platformers
  3. The mosquito shooting levels are the closest to not being it, but the others...yes, very much so.
  4. No, Mario Galaxy 2 had something even "worse". It completes the level for you. This system has been in many Nintendo games since 2009, including Mario Galaxy, Mario & Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country etc. Those levels are still clearly 2D platformer, especially the "rhythm" levels...The football mode was pretty meh that I only played it once though, forgot about it until you reminded me.
  5. Hang on, you're complaining about the Super Guide? Something that even existed in Mario Galaxy 2? Ok.. Funnily enough, as well, you don't have to use it... Other things are subjective I guess. Though I've played through Rayman and it's always clearly a 2D platformer...it doesn't jump from different game types at all...
  6. You clearly don't frequent NeoGAF :p
  7. Why would Nintendo kill it next year? It has a good 3 years in it at least
  8. It's because scores are meant to be the indicator of the overall conclusion. That's the original intent of them and why people go crazy over them. If anything, I'd say Nintendo games don't get a free pass but are in fact held to a higher standard that they can seldom meet. Look at Pikmin...as said before, rather than just rating it on what it is, people were reviewing it and marking it based on how it "doesn't justify the Wii U". Even some Super Mario 3D World reviews are guilty of this. You never get Sony or MS games rated to that standard, yet Nintendo games do. Other company's games can be refinements and be marked high and loved, but in the eyes of many, Nintendo's games have to be revolutionary or Nintendo has failed/lost it. I was actually expecting the worst from the reviews of this for the reason that the internet is so completely anti-Nintendo of late. Considering certain people go on at me when I'm being positive about Nintendo, I agree.
  9. Should be getting this on Thursday. Though the lack of DLC almost swayed me to go back to the 360 for this series, I stayed true and hope I made the right decision. The GamePad is the thing that kept me here, plus better graphics (although framerate is apparently iffy, but I never really notice that unless it drops below 20)
  10. Not true! Galaxy 2 was 1.30GB. Mario 3D World is 1.7GB!
  11. Other than the lack of gravity mechanics and added multiplayer, what makes Mario Galaxy 2 suddenly better?
  12. You're a bad person :p
  13. Ok, what makes a journalist? A person who hunts down news to report it. Yep, I do that. A person who writes articles about subjects. Yep, I do that. A person who is published in print articles, and/or viareputable websites. Yep, done both of that. A person who has been paid for the above by an outside source. Yep, I have been. In what way am I not a journalist? Why do you seem at odds with me for saying so? We're not in competition and we have known eachother for over a decade. Please explain as I do not understand.
  14. Aside from the site, who has been published near monthly for the last 3 years? Oh right..that's me :p Sorry bud, but I am Agreed. I like Kotaku's way of doing it. Concise review and ends with a "Yes" or a "No".
  15. They lopped off 1 star in a five star system for those negatives? Are they actually serious? I'm ashamed to be a journalist when I see stuff like that
  16. My best Wii U memory: The joy of playing all new games an all new way when my brother and I started NintendoLand. The GamePad is a game changer. I love it
  17. Easy. They can't take a loss for a prolonged period of time. 3DS, after a few months of extremely middling sales, was sold at a loss and took off and was a major factor in Nintendo reporting their first ever annual loss and this continued into the following financial year. They're just starting to recover. Microsoft and Sony last generation, for years, reported significant losses but were luckily propped up by other departments. These losses still haven't been regained by Microsoft, and Sony destroyed any money they made on the PS2 and are just starting to return. Even now, the division is posting less profit than Nintendo in their annual financials. The difference is, they were playing the really long game and this generation, Sony is to make a mint and Microsoft...well know knows. As this could be plotted out, other departments could hold the company up from dying. Nintendo can do it for a year or two, but any more than that and they'd be toast. If they were to take say PS3 level losses, it would kill them within 4 years.
  18. Let's say they did and released it at $399 like Sony. People would still say it's over-priced... Nintendo can't do anything right in the eyes of the Internet. When they were doing amazingly, people were still trashing them and waiting for the bubble to burst. For people to bite at a Nintendo console, it has to be around $200-$250 unfortunately. As such, if they made one of specs akin to the PS4, that'd be a significant loss which would kill the console.
  19. So, away from the general pissing and bitching of all of us about consoles, this rating showed up As did this
  20. That's a good point. I've been with Xbox Live for this gen so completely forgot about PS+'s bonus. That does make it a bit better I was speaking in reference to the 360 and PS3. Only an idiot would say the power is comparable to PS4/Xbone. We were discussing the third party games that have come
  21. Hell, even extra controllers are getting ridiculously expensive now. At least with Nintendo's Wii Remote, you can get a game with it. But I digress. Comparing prices is a dangerous topic. Value is a perceived thing...what is good value to some is a rip-off to another. Though I say GAME's current deal is fantastic value.
  22. Yeah, let's look at it objectively Wii U: £250. Contains: Wii U, Wii U GamePad, At least one full game. Free online PS4: £350. Contains: PS4, One DS4, access to a few small games and apps on PSN. Further £40 a year needed for online. I'd say the Wii U is better value, for sure, if you're a general consumer who doesn't care about specs. The Wii U is getting too much crap about its price. Yes, it's "underpowered", but come on. It's clearly worth that price, hence it being sold at a loss.
  23. That's the thing though. Developers who have fully commited themselves to Wii U development all agree that the specs aren't gimped or inferior, you just need to optimise for it and it'll produce a superior experience, as seen with NFSMWU
  24. Really looking forward to this game, though a bit concerned about the direction being up to you...I dislike not having set orders in which to do things
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