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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Maybe if they had valid points... Edit: I apologise, that was rather short of me. However, even though there are a couple of valid points, the amount of vapid negativity and bitching here is getting out of hand again.
  2. Seriously, anyone saying Nintendo is lacking online, go play Mario Golf, or Pokémon X/Y etc. Even Mario Kart 8, while having a couple of flaws with online, is fantastic online. God, I am so sick of the rampant negativity here, and how it snowballs out of control. Yes, some games don't have online? So what. They don't necessarily need it and would have added to development time. I maintain NintendoLand is designed specifically not to have online and it wouldn't work well on it Also, yes the Wii U games sometimes disconnect online. That also happens on other platforms. If you're telling me that you have never had a connection error while playing CoD or Halo or GTA then you're a damned liar
  3. It has nothing to do with Iwata. Stop blaming him for everything
  4. What the frak are you on about, I can see what my friends are playing
  5. Yeah I know :p It's just standard Global and Regional being so sluggish means I have to adapt.
  6. How is it a chore? I honestly don't understand this complaint.
  7. If it was Nintendo Japan doing it, then yes you'd have a point.
  8. Because this is Nintendo in Germany only restructuring. It's not a big whole deal. It's not them selling off assets to stay afloat. It's them removing redundancies in their operation.
  9. Windfall Island, at night
  10. So a news piece about sales numbers we've known about for a while, and then Nintendo of Europe restructuring. Yeah, ok. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED
  11. Jesus Christ man. Chill. Also, who says the Digital Event will be "lifeless". Besides, better a rehearsed and edited video than a horribly awkward stage show
  12. Technically, it's disconnected twice in 20 hours of online play. And yes, I have, and I have been disconnected numerous times on those, too. Don't act like the systems on other consoles are suddenly faultproof.
  13. The one thing I hate about the online is that Global and Regional matches are 100cc rather than 150cc. It just feels sluggish. Everything else has been fine for me. I am 100% happy and satisfied with this game My friend uploaded the video of Toad Harbour because he was impressed at how you managed to pilfer victory
  14. That's nothing on my 154mbps :p Sales in the UK always suck. Not just Nintendo, but everywhere. Numbers are frequently in the four figure range. Five figures are usually for launches if you're lucky.
  15. So, spent over an hour on Regional with a friend, @welsh_gamer joined too, no issues until it disconnected while selecting tracks, presumably someone quit. People joined and quit all the time. That's over an hour of racing with no issues. That's not bad, it's certainly not as bad as people make it out to be. No issues with balance either. Got a decent range of items at every position, which helped me always be Top 3. And @welsh_gamer...holy crap at your score. Good god man.
  16. Nope, that seems right.
  17. Jeez. Sounds more like your connection sucks
  18. I meant for that mode. Which brings the question, based on your logic, how would a challenge mode/story mode keep drawing people in to play VS?
  19. Surely a story or challenge mode wouldn't keep drawing people back in, but would draw them in once and once only...
  20. I have to disagree with you on the tracks. The tracks in this game are amazing. This is the only Mario Kart game where I don't groan when certain tracks are selected. The tracks are just spectacular
  21. Yeah, two weeks. Though this seems to be a server side thing, so I don't think it'll require patching on our end.
  22. From what I've read, if someone quits without selecting a track on global, then it sometimes disconnects everyone
  23. I've done it before in this...
  24. I did, and it seems no different to how it is now, except with the annoying "specials"
  25. Convoluted method? You go to the Friend bit, you see they're in a race, you press Join. Job done. How is that convoluted?
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