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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. You can buy the Clamperl items at the Battle Tree
  2. 1. They'll evolve through the usual method to the usual evolution. Pikachu, Cubone and Exeggcute, however, would evolve into their Alolan variants. 2. Yes, all methods are available. 3. Sell your soul and offer trades around the globe
  3. I like that the app helps you match up with people based on social media accounts. That's a neat touch
  4. Splatoon 2 Global Testfire
  5. I agree. They should have delayed the Wii U Zelda
  6. I think USB HDD support kind of goes against the concept of the Switch though :p
  7. I think you're putting way too much stock on "need" and rumour. Why can you see it price dropping? Because Nintendo haven't spoken about Virtual Console?
  8. David Wise is doing the music I didn't know this game existed until earlier this week, then didn't find out it was on Switch until last night and now I'm so psyched for it. According to a stream they did, they managed to get it ported and working in around a week, which is incredible.
  9. Serebii


    Still Spring. Probably will take the MultiplayerMay slot that has been happening of late in Nintendo.
  10. You don't like holding both so the wheels are spinning like mental but you aren't going anywhere? :p
  11. If they were really serious about that, then they should drop PS4 and XBO
  12. They'll undoubtedly come to it, it's just they hadn't given devkits to Netflix etc. to get it done in time for launch
  13. We all know the reason there is no Internet Browser has nothing to do with metrics. It's to do with the fact that internet browsers are the easiest way to hack into a system
  14. Do note that not being at launch doesn't mean not being there forever
  15. I'd be very surprised if Nintendo don't do My Nintendo achievements with Switch games
  16. I don't buy everything Nintendo. Come on.
  17. You mean 9 first party published games released in the first 10 months of a console's life?
  18. Same I'm not expecting this to be the best game ever, or to look like the most amazing game ever. It's strange though, the casino level actually reminded me of a couple of levels from Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts
  19. Yeah. Get a few beers in, a few friends and bam. Hilarity ensues
  20. So the official Nintendo websites aren't from Nintendo? Damn
  21. Thing is that the complaint of that is asinine. It's an understandable thing for waiting, but when people use it as a complaint it's just weird. At console launches, it's always one or two gems around a load of ports and crap. Why do people use this complaint, and the "hidden costs" one against Nintendo when it's the same with every single gaming device ever to have existed? With the Switch launch, I've noticed a vast number of people have forgotten how launches for devices actually were.
  22. Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber this week
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