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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Heaven forbid a game uses the features of its console's controller :p
  2. One game's development cycle has no relevance to this one :p
  3. "Rush Job"? With what evidence do you come to that conclusion?
  4. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=141962800#post141962800 ho boy.
  5. Go record a game with a camera which is on a TV screen in a bright room and then upload it towhere it is horribley compressed. Even the best looking games won't look amazing in such scenarios To be fair, they're not going to show all the intricacies and hidden areas of the overworld now. There were areas where it was noticeably cut. Leave them wanting more. Relax. Come E3, we will have our socks blown off. Mark my words
  6. Nuts, was hoping for a more logical reason other than Nintendo woefully underestimated demand
  7. I had a thought. What if a lot of the UK Stock for the adapter, controller and maybe the amiibo was in the building that burned down, along with loads of hardware in for repair. It'd sure as hell explain a lot
  8. Because people had copies of the game early. Not because of insider information.
  9. ORAS have shipped 7.7 million units worldwide Also, my map confirmed
  10. You guys are going to kill me haha Got my Gamecube controller today and have been playing with it. I think I prefer GamePad/Pro Controller. This one just feels too rigid :/
  11. Oh it's an honour, no doubt about that. Also, the in-game references to Sinnoh ae contrary to how I place it. I had to lower it due to space reasons.
  12. If you don't get Peach, then the amiibo screen on Mario Kart 8 will just sit there with one box unticked
  13. So, I just got made aware of something mindblowing, if legit. Need to share it somewhere because it's making me lose my mind. Ok, so someone noted a weird framed map in the south-eastern house in Dewford Town Looks weird, right? Well someone on GameFAQs noticed it looked somewhat like this This is a small version of a large map a friend & I made for my site's Pokéarth section (location database). It contains the main game regions Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Sevii Islands as well as side game regions Orre (in north west, the big desert), Fiore, Almia and Oblivia. My friend made the DP versions of the other regions and I placed them together in a large map Now, let's flip that And resize it to match the image's size in Dewford as much as possible. Pixel resize rather than bilinear/bicubic resample to keep colour as much as possible The resemblance is utterly uncanny. It's hard to dismiss this as a coincidence, and I am shocked. Going to investigate this further as there has to be a more logical explanation. If it is mine or based on mine, I am ecstatic and honoured that something I made will exist forever in a Pokémon game.
  14. I can't seem to A Rank the level for Midna Level 2, let alone Level 3.
  15. Second stage of the Twilight Princess DLC. Jesus christ that was hard. Maybe because Midna was only Level 47 and I don't have her Level 2 yet, but good god... Guess they expect you to be ~100
  16. GCN Controller didn't arrive -_-
  17. The joy on my face when, in the Digital Event, a clip started with that whistling. I felt like a kid at christmas. I just hope ShopTo work around New Years and thus we get it New Years Eve :p
  18. They didn't make me feel "this is amazing", but made me feel "this would make an ace game on its own if fleshed out", and low and behold.
  19. Really? Because I'm pretty sure that many people here, myself included, went into E3 hoping for an "Adventures of Captain Toad" spin-off
  20. Because Metroid and F-Zero are multi million sellers? :p Captain Toad does not seem like a lazy effort. It has such polish.
  21. Just the GamePad
  22. Same here. Tomorrow I'll finally see if I am sucking due to input lag or just because I am inexplicably terrible. Incidentally, managed 11 KOs on Cruel Melee earlier. Never have to touch that bastard again.
  23. My final amiibo from ShopTo arrived
  24. Tore the plastic off with my teeth
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