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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. You don't even need to. Read the bottom
  2. To be fair, the first translation said no communication with those you're matched with...that's synonymous with "randoms"
  3. The only thing wrong with the Virtual Consoles releases Nintendo puts out is the NES filter on the Wii U. They should make it optional like the GBA ones, but that'd require them rewriting the emulator of ~300 games
  4. Make it optional but make off-screen the auto-default in the OS should the game not support it.
  5. Absolutely. GamePad is essential to gaming for me now. It may not be revolutionary, but it has been evolutionary for me. If the next console lacks it, I'll be so sad. People really don't appreciate how much it streamlines things. Is it perfect? No, but it's a good thing. I hate going through cumbersome menus on the other platforms now. Playing GTA V after so long on the Wii U felt like a step back. Having it be optional in future platforms is the way forward, and having current GamePads be compatible eases the expense for the ~10 million people with a Wii U already. It means developers may not use it, which sucks, but it shall be here.
  6. Iwata has implied as much, too I fully expect the Wii U VC to be on the successor straight out.
  7. I said I'm hoping for it and that all we know is that you can't chat with randoms
  8. Time for the codesavvy to hunt down those filenames to try and find other amiibo :p
  9. The other statements were valid, and mostly ones I agree with. Yours, however, was disruptive and continues the continual bile you spit out here
  10. Will you stop with your bullshit. At E3 they said they were thinking of ways for communication. They didn't forget it exists. Stop with your constant anti-Nintendo crap. All we know right now is that you cannot communicate with RANDOM players. We have no idea if you can with friends or not. So for the love of god, stop being an ass.
  11. Two words: Nintendo Letterbox
  12. Communication with randomers? To hell with that. I've played more than enough Halo and CoD online to be soured on that concept. With friends though? It's necessary in a game like this. With Mario Kart and Smash it's a "would be nice but not essential" situation, but on a team based shooter, if you're playing with friends, it should be there. Worst case scenario, in my eyes, is that voice chat will be limited to friends when in the plaza. Not the best thing, but it's better than nothing.
  13. Yeah. He's worked for me for years. Here's what he said "Hard to tell with sinobi They just said no communication with random match ups"
  14. Mother of god -_- Why would they do this. Let's just hope the translation means that there's no communication with opponents but you can communicate with friends. Edit: Spoke to my translator and he just says "No voice chat with randoms". I have hope. We need the full article to make a determination, not a one sentence statement on a blog.
  15. God I hope not. I rely on the Japanese eShop too much
  16. There is the thought that Nintendo may ban you for doing it.
  17. The entire North American shipment :p
  18. True. Who knows how low the ruble will drop, though. It could be detrimental for Nintendo.
  19. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/16/russia-ruble-collapse_n_6333546.html My surprise is in that it took so long for people to notice. I expect Nintendo to close this exploit
  20. It'll be this year Stream embed
  21. Japan only. Japan has a release date: April 29th
  22. Special overview video/Direct-by-another-name coming on the 6th at 10pm JST/1pm UK time http://xenobladex.jp/news/20150206/index.html
  23. Loaded up today, got a Network Link...was @RedShell's Level 200...no way in hell I can do that haha
  24. Why did they have to buy Atlus just before the final push for this. I'm so sad. SEGA used to be such an awesome developer.
  25. Can't believe you managed to get it to 200 in two days. That's insanity. Mine are still struggling at lower levels...all of them.
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