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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. An album of all the badges Japan has:
  2. Yeah Isabelle was wearing a Varia Suit for two panels
  3. STAY TUNED FOR GREAT OFFERS FOR Wii U AND NINTENDO 3DS TITLES WITH THE NINTENDO eSHOP CYBER DEALS 2015 Get a series of daily deals between November 27 and November 30 with up to 40% discount on popular Nintendo titles
  4. Double Dragon III, Ninja Gaiden and Adventures of Bayou Billy this week
  5. I don't have many since I only really properly got things around the Pokémon ones and get the Free Plays only, and not daily, but here's a few of the ones I have from that category but there are many more in each category. For Majora's Mask, for example, there were badges for each mask. There were Metroid ones in a NES Remix category, too
  6. I have bolded the ones they have done in Japan...it's just a matter of time.
  7. Can only find the 3DS one on EBGames. Amazon AU has nothing
  8. Australia yeah Here only on PC
  9. I don't think we're the target audience :p
  10. Buy it on the eShop and you'll get the original Mario Tennis :p
  11. Yeah, I got 25 badges with my 3 free plays. Prof. Bunny Badgegrab was stunned
  12. Based on the reviews, I think it's safe to say it won't be a 1 in a million shot :p
  13. http://store.nintendo.co.uk/amiibo/mega-yarn-yoshi-amiibo/11164984.html Mega Yarn Yoshi is up
  14. I think Mario Tennis' problem is lack of modes, not gameplay issues that amiibo Festival has.
  15. It's not just load times. They improve textures etc.
  16. Basically, the presentation is awesome and charming, but the gameplay is meh.
  17. Blame the delay of Starfox and Zelda That really seemed to knock their plans considerably. But then, they were delayed for a reason. Better than 4 dodgy games...
  18. No. The structure for the Pokémon data is wildly different to how it is now. In Generation 3 there was a huge overhaul to the mechanics so the Pokémon data is completely incompatible
  19. Don't worry, you have to be completely inept to not get Grumpig... ...oh... :p
  20. Yeah I spent about that much cataloguing it for the site
  21. I'm going to be commentating the London Pokémon VGC Regional Championships on Saturday ^_^
  22. The US had its weekly update today (ours is on Thursday it would seem) and added Rhythm Heaven, Pikmin, Pushmo and Pokémon. We'll likely get them this week, too
  23. Didn't see this. Masuda was on Pokénchi to discuss music.
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