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Mr. Anonymous

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About Mr. Anonymous

  • Birthday 05/02/1988

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Playing gaming andbeating them in a quick a time as possable with as few saves as possable.


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    DS, SP, GBA GBC,
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS3, PS2, PSP, 360, PC
  • Favourite Game?
    Final Fantasy VII
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    NDS Game Codes (PM me if adding tell me game, and PM your code)

    Grid 1891-4673-3221

    Tetris 7421-9842-2671

    MK 3 3909-7522-7539
  • Xbox Live Username
    PM me if you want it, will give it out but will ha

Mr. Anonymous's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Was out for my girlfriends 20th last night, twas a good night, my new drink is now jäger and redbull, previously was vodka and redbull, but jäger is so much nicer. It was so nice in fact, that I had 7 of them over the 5 hour period that we were out, ahh good times, and I may be going to a 21st with an open bar, next friday I cant wait. Mr.A
  2. A lot more info on HC, such as EXP Effectiveness, Sniper Headshot Rate Grenade Stick Rate, Assassination Rate to name but a few and when you google Halo 3 stats HC is first and bungie is second. Mr.A
  3. Do any of you use halocharts to check your halo 3 stats? It's pretty damn good if you ask me. Mr.A
  4. Got to have bits in it, bits are the best. Mr.A
  5. Have you guys heard of the Jasper chip that's in he new 360, and how is not ment to ever get the RROD, will bad news. My friend has already seen one. EPIC FAIL MS Mr.A
  6. For Pc hold Alt then use the number pad to the right to enter the numbers, for laptop use the FN key a put num lk on, then hold alt and enter the numbers. I think this is all of them. Or when in MS word go up to "insert" from the drop down menu, pick Special Characte, change it from symbols to the font you are using, then select the letter you need Alt Plus number = 0138Š 0140Œ 0142Ž 0154š 0156œ 0158ž 0159Ÿ 0192À 0193à 0194 0195à 0196Ä 0197Ã… 0198Æ 0199Ç 0200È 0201É 0202Ê 0203Ë 0204ÃŒ 0205à 0206ÃŽ 0207à 0208à 0209Ñ 0210Ã’ 0211Ó 0212Ô 0213Õ 0214Ö 0215× 0216Ø 0217Ù 0218Ú 0219Û 0220Ãœ 0221à 0222Þ 0223ß 0224à 0225á 0226â 0227ã 0228ä 0229Ã¥ 0230æ 0231ç 0232è 0233é 0234ê 0235ë 0236ì 0237í 0238î 0239ï 0240ð 0241ñ 0242ò 0243ó 0244ô 0245õ 0246ö 0247÷ 0248ø 0249ù 0250ú 0251û 0252ü 0253ý 0254þ 0255ÿ or just copy and paste the letter from here. Enjoy hope this helps you guys out. Mr. A
  7. I always wondered if they forgot to add a "zone" we have Pro, Family Underground and the other one, but I think the should have added noob, how funny would that be? Mr. A
  8. Once a football player, always a diver. Mr.A
  9. The Matt and Jeff story line is very like, the Jeff and Matt story line of Vengeance 2001 where Lita was the Ref. Just saying. On another note RIP Andrew Martin(Test) another one taken before he is even 40. It's crazy Mr.A
  10. With St. Patrick's day around the conner, and is pretty much celebrated all over the world I was wondering what are going to be doing on this day, this great day, I my self am going over to the girlfriend's house and have a few drinks, I may watch the parade on tv, but I'm not yet sure. So enlighten us on the day where everyone is Irish. [= Mr.A
  11. Ah it was taken with a camera on a phone so you can forgive that, I still am been anoymous if you looked at my last to post you will understand if giving clues to who I am, http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=381&page=463 http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=381&page=461 Mr.A
  12. Only €118.99 not to bad for a HD Cam Mr.A
  13. I know there is a Pinned topic,for 360, but I think its better here, but if a mod thinks it's better in there by all means move it in. From what I heard from a friend who works in Smyths is the Black 360 is been discontinued and is been replaced by a the limited editions ones such as the red one for RE5. More detail in Link http://news.vgchartz.com/news.php?id=3093 Mr.A
  14. Today was a good day for me, didn't do much, however I made a new friend. Her name is Mary, and she is a cleaner, don't ask, its also going to be a good night, as I plan on either finishing LBP story mode or starting SH5: HC or even going back and playing Some classic games like RE3 or SH1. Ohhh so many choices Mr.A
  15. Not me, but my very sexy girlfriend, who means the world to me, Mr. A
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