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  1. (wouldn't let me post the whole thing in one go)


    I've found outr JJ Abrahms (fuck the spelling) has the 'movie' rights to it, so we might expect to see either a solid lost-esque series of our favourite books, or harry-potter-esque films. Personally I'd love to see a TV series of it, with a mini-series of book 1 to start it off -- even though book 5 is the biggest I could imagine a tv series to reduce it heavily, maybe even intertwine it with books 2, 3 and 4 to continue the main story as much as possible (akin to the flashbacks of Lost - have segments of the [that town that book 5 is set in, i've forgotten]) then books 6 and 7 would be regular seasons.


    if it was movies then it would be too inbalanced. Would love to see that!

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