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Everything posted by cheets

  1. ebay is not the place it was, its become too saturated.
  2. i aint pissed ok, i am, but im home alone, i got coldplany on and i want to chuck the monoitor throuhj the fucking winodwd and listen to the ipod. been an hour since i head anything, psp owns :S
  3. ha, did you ever come home and walk to school and 8am and see your dad pull up in the street jump out and start to get angry at your sister and break the video player, yuss, break the whole video player, that shit neighbours crap asuisse fake fucking crap mangle coffee shop. fucking robinsons, dog died. i can rememeber picking up a video which was in half. and thinking 5 years from now im i will be 15. good :yes: job car family house coldplay bad mental probs 5830 of the crap no future major mental probs alocholism
  4. Yup, after all my years of living it came to an point, my sister had a kid saturday morning, i've just been out celebrating with the dad and my dad, then we get a call saying Chloe has been sick and shes in intensive care, so we leg it to a taxi rank, im starting to lose it, and we plead with a girl that we need to get to the hospital, i just lose it and breakdown, screaming and crying, 22 years of my life, bang. the years of torment by my sisters bullies, the days i walked up the road to my primary school, shedding a tear, the high school bullying the ****s that think they are better than anyone, the days hearing my sister saying she would jump out of the car. she went to seek professional help, me i never, i dont know why, i kept it in, i was young, i had school, people said how is your sister, they never asked about me. after school it was just general college, i wasnt bullied but somthing wasnt right, maybe the hiding away in school, the shyness, the other more popular people, they just left me, i never had a decent youth after 16, i never went to parties, i never had any fun, never got drunk never had sex, never did anything. when i was 18 i meet some lads they where my age, we went around town and had a good time, these lads where from college. they saved me, i met somebody who i could get on with, my mates fucked me off, i never ever got invited to an 18 or 21. my mates lived 4 miles away instead of the 500 yards up the road, to this day i dont see them. i dont blame them, they where good mates i just never did anything after i left school with them. they left me behind, because i looked young. if i got from say 9 to 22 i could right about on my feelings, it went from people in my own street not letting me past the road, they would lie down on the street and say u couldnd get past, they would slowly not invite u to parties, even my nextdoor neighbour, eh you can here the music you can even see the boncey castle, yet no invite, im 3 foot away. tbh my life has been in parts, the part im born and to 7, some **** of a doctor comes and cuts my foresking off because i couldnt piss proper, that sticks in my mind like a kinfe, i cant still feel the antiseptic wipe on my knob. jesus. from 7 to 14, its mixed i have good friends at primary school, some nice ones at hige school, but it wasnt right. high school is evil and over looked by teachers, kids always bottle it up. 14-21 nothing happend, i had poor teaching at school they fucked me off into the slow classes, i dreamed of the day sitting next to my mates in english and maths, i ended up on a IT course at college, it was noithing i took me 4 years to even get to a course that would allow me on to a degree, my life had passed, my mates where finnishing uni, i had nothing, i ended up working for asda in shit warehouse, ok pay £200 a week, easy, do your work, go home, sit at pc, play xbox. so now im sitting here, thinking well, what a shit life, i have hadly anything to show because of things that happpend, i dont blame them on my parents, i blame some on the girls that bullied my sister, i just dont know what to do. the day you sit next to your mum and say i cant comit suicide because i want to bury you and show you my kids, you know its fucked. this is cheets saying, bye, i doubt could even come back here, seeing as i've said so much, you can take the piss i dont care, but i hope the mirc and and c-e peeps read this and dont think what a chav i love this forum. i am to scared to even come back and read the replies. cheets
  5. Chelsea 0 - 1 Aston Villa Edit Chelsea 1 - 1 Aston Villa
  6. cheets


    jesus watching the news on sky fox and ccn, as my sister is having a kid so sleep is no option, and the force is huge, its just about hit land and all the reporters where on the end of the storm aka the weak part.
  7. Mr. Nanny that is so scary seeing the hulk drinking tea in a tutu
  8. na, spiderman u can predict, its too kiddy, batman has a sense of power, hes not a super but he is powerful, spiderman and batman are no different in story only in power.
  9. sorry but yes the gamecube was good had had some good games, but how many of them games are we seeing on the PS2, re4 VJ, the xbox got into the PS2 market, pro evo 4 gta sa, gameucbe never did that and thr xbox comes out top. ikmagine them the gamecube with WE 9 and GTA would be sweet but was let down mangement.
  10. kate moss only came into the news because of pete fuckface, i bet max clifford offererd him a deal for the papers, i man hes a funking **** who cannot sing and thinks being high on drugs makes him a god to kate moss. fucking ****
  11. DVD nonce, just got 20 mins left and this is and will be the best EVER comic book film, shits all over spiderman, hulk, hellboy, punisher, vendetta, x-men, man thing, fanshittisc 4 etc.
  12. cheets


    who is right, 12 or 21
  13. According to the presentation material demonstrated on the Annual Operation Strategy Meeting, Sony has sold 6 million PSPs all around the world. And the sales in Europe were the best ever in the history of the PSP sales.
  14. WOW, tis a good film, really put all the others to shame bar batman, just up to the tumber bit, woot.
  15. a film, a japenese film, a blind japaense film, a good blind japenese film, a gorey good blind japenese film, a username gorey good blind japenese film, a good username gorey good blind japenese film. i need to see the film, its on my list
  16. i said a boring 0-0 for pool and man u, and i was spot on i just think chelsea have been abit poor and villa kinda are quite fun to watch, they always have, i just think villa get an early goal, sit back and chelsea will struggle for a 1 goaler, 1-1
  17. all comet workers should have to read every gadget site, games forum, and stuff mag before even being consider to work in a shop that sells anything with a plug.
  18. cheets


    they only added male names in some in the 70s or 80s i think, last big male on was Andrew, womens names where all the rage in the 40s kind of stfu bitch, and do the ironing nope?
  19. villa will draw with chelsea tomorrow
  20. marketing, they need a buzz, and tbh they just cant do it like sony or apple
  21. the moon is the son of the earth, a mars sized planet hit earth when it was forming. the moon controls the tides and we need the moon so we need to go back to playing golf on the moon.
  22. munky hes a funky monkey junkie beastie boys tune, simple name but no need for the capital K what are you special k
  23. cheets


    yeah, you cannot predict weather, its impossible. anyway, keep up the good work america with the pointless SUV's and huge 2 Ton hummers, never heard of a corsa or fiesta or even a smart car. You reap, what you sew.
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