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Everything posted by Losername

  1. I saw the first Nolan Batman last night after renting it from Lovefilm because I am too cheap to buy. It was on Blu Ray which was nice, but like all high definition media you forget you're watching something in super resolution after like 10 minutes. It was cool. Cool is a rating.
  2. The X-Files, Season 5, The Pine Bluff Variant. A group of terrorists have gained control of a toxic agent that corrodes the flesh, Mulder has gone undercover to try and stop them, but when Scully discovers the agent was manufactured in the US, she believes someone high up may have set Mulder up on a suicide mission. Love the title of this episode (I use it as my email address) and it has some pretty slick gore and conspiracy work. Mulder also gets some great lines when they're torturing him. 8/10.
  3. I quit the test on the first question. I'm too smart for IQ tests.
  4. There's a link here to spelling out boobies on the calculator... but I just can't seem to sort it out. Someone help?
  5. I don't reckon it'll be long before a computer presents Countdown.
  6. Well, I ate a healthy breakfast of leftover Harribo Starmix. I can hear my dentist screaming a few streets away. Im other news, I think I shall endevour to create myself a signature.
  7. Yes, but you have to ask yourself... where's the fun?
  8. Just knock something together from whatever you can find around the house. You haven't eaten until you've had a banana pasta surprise. Or thrown up, I suppose. You could even make a thread charting your bizarre quest for food.
  9. Hopefully going to see this tonight as my brother suggested it. Should be good with a capital good.
  10. The X-Files, series 7, Hollywood A.D. Great Duchovny written episode about Skinner's friend making a movie based on the X-Files whilst the agents investigate a bombing in a crypt. The references to Duchovny's appearance on The Larry Saunders Show are perfect. People who say this show died after season six are wrong. Only the mythology died. The one shots remain solid all the way through. Hopefully some of the good stuff will have remained when I Want to Believe hits next week. Cool/10.
  11. Yeah. Now you mention it you can't really see the other hand of the person holding it I'm calling this as some kind of puppet.
  12. Gonna drop in and see this soon. X-files 2 is taking priority next weekend I believe (no pun intended), but I reckon this one demands the big screen experience as well. Maybe tomorrow if there's as little to do as I predict there will be.
  13. Haven't even had this one on my radar. Having just discovered and looked into it, looks like it'll at least be worth a rent. Wario World on the Cube was tragically underrated. Does Freeloader play nice with this, or is waitin' time?
  14. The question is... would you eat it?
  15. You can't really blame Ninty for throwing out content that will probably generate more revenue than a Zelda or Mario. This conference reminded me of that dreadful connectivity E3 from a few years back. But with the lackluster showing this year and fanboy reaction, surely Nintendo will be especially compelled to put out something excellent next time. Just something to think about, like maths.
  16. Alright, gonna try and quote a few of you at once. Wish me luck. Thanks. Thanks as well. Thanks? Thanks? I think I'll just stick with this.
  17. Growing up I was a bit of a Squirtle man. Then I realised Squirtles are for little girls, so I went out to Lavender Town and caught myself a Gengar. This is where a picture of a Gengar would go if the forum would let me post URLS before I make 15 posts. You'll just have to imagine it. Look at him! What a pest!
  18. What will she do with herself now? Release a designer range of bras and calculators?
  19. Boring day where nothing happened except I signed up after watching this forum for ages. Hope this coloured text does not offend anybody. After such a boring Saturday I can't help but dread tomorrow. Sunday is afterall the biggest downer day in the week.
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